The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican-Hungary, is now no longer anxious.

What should be said and what should not be said is completely unknown.

Now it's like a mad dog, who catches and bites, this attitude is extremely ugly!

But when you look at it from a certain angle, it looks very real!

"To shut up!"

Murong Yu hadn't spoken yet, and Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, had already coldly shouted.

"This is the Guangming Academy, not a place where all cats and dogs can come to make trouble!"

"If some people don't want to stay here, they can get out of here!"

"If you make noise again, don't blame the ruthless subordinates of the deputy palace master!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, flashed sharp light in his eyes as he spoke. At this moment, he wanted to show this attitude, otherwise these people would really be bullied by the Guangming Academy?

Xue Wanren's anger caused the eager atmosphere around him to freeze instantly.

The deputy master of the Vatican Sea Palace, Vatican Huns, had a face on his back, and his heart was very angry, but he couldn't have any attacks at this time.

He has already caused a demigod palace in the Fanhai Palace to die. If he offends the Guangming Academy because of this, he will really have no place to stand when he returns to the Fanhai Palace!

Right now, Fang Fan has become the core focus of everyone's attention!

On the ranking of academic tokens, with 130,000 academic tokens invincible!

As long as he wants to, he can assign these 130,000 academic tokens to ten people, so that he can directly occupy the top ten of the ranking!

At this moment, the abnormal changes in the ranking of academic tokens have naturally attracted the full attention of many forces...

To say that Fang Fan’s academic tokens suddenly increased, and the sudden clearing of the academic tokens of the Soul Race and Celestial Temple examiners was not enough to make them pay attention to it, then the picture displayed at this moment is enough to make them in awe !

After all, the Brahma Sea Palace is the power of the three top positive first-grade forces in the first-class sky sanctuary, which represents the top combat power!

The gathering place for the examiners of the Fallen Sanctuary...

The Lord of the Fallen Sanctuary Fallen Palace Young Palace Master Gui Sha stopped and looked at the abnormal rankings of academic tokens above his head, silently lost in thought...


"It's so interesting..."

"Vanhai Palace, disappeared!"

"This is definitely not accidental!"

"The clearing of the high school token in the hands of the Fanhai Palace examiner and the explosion of the high school token in the hands of Fang Fan, the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary examiner, formed a certain relationship chain..."

"The Fanhai Palace was destroyed by Fang Fan, the Ascension Sanctuary examiner!"

"Sure enough... it was extraordinary!"

"If that's the case, it would be even more creepy..."

"A third-class sanctuary examiner can actually occupy the top of the list, and has not fallen by half so far, and the number of academic tokens he owns continues to increase..."

"There must be something tricky..."

"Now I really want to meet this Fang Fan for a while..."

"This is fierce, but it has the style of my fallen sanctuary warrior!"

The Lord of the Fallen Sanctuary Fallen Palace Young Palace Master Gui Sha narrowed his eyes, silently sinking into thought.

At this moment, while thinking in his heart, he nodded silently, the curious look on his face unnaturally increased.


At the same time, the assessment field outside the Guangming Mountain Range, the gathering place for the assessors of the Sky Wave Sword School...

"Brahma vanished from the ranking list..."

"Did he crush the distress order and leave the examination room, or was he...killed?"

"Either way, it's not realistic..."

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