
Why is Fang Fan taking off every time? He can only be jealous of eating chaffy vegetables.

The gap between people is really too big, it's really not a star and a half!

Bai Piao sighed inwardly, then walked over with helpless expression.

Fang Fan glared at this guy, still think I don't have enough work?

This wave after wave, what do you want to make? Can't stop a little bit?

This is also a stopgap measure for him!

Now that you have consumed a Saint-level camouflage card, you can do it to the extreme!

Now his three great favorites are still at the critical moment of crossing the catastrophe, naturally there can be no other accidents.

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, then smiled slightly, and came to this Tianlangjian Sect Jianzi Langtianya.

"Since you have said it, this is a misunderstanding, so forget it..."

"I'm not the kind of caregiver..."

"It's too difficult for you to run around looking for academic tokens."

"How about we make a deal?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, while talking, then he said in a deep voice.

As he spoke, sharp rays of light flickered in his eyes.


Tian Lang Jian Sect Jian Zi Lang Tian Ya's eyes widened, his face couldn't help showing a look of doubt, what is the so-called transaction?

"Now there are more than four days before the end of the assessment...I give you 10,000 academic tokens for the Sky Wave Sword Sect every day, and you, the Sky Wave Sword Sect cultivator, must belong to me to dispatch!

"how is it?"

"Just treat it as my expense for hiring you."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and glanced at him. The crowd gathered by the Tianlang Sword Sect had almost 10,000 cultivators...

However, the number of cultivators of the Sky Wave Sword Sect is indeed a bit less for the top-ranking positive force of the same sky sanctuary...

"Ten thousand a day?"


Lang Tianya took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with excitement...

This is so amazing!

You must know that the number of academic tokens he currently holds is only three thousand...

The speed of searching for monsters and killing them to obtain academic tokens is really too slow and too slow...


"That...Fang...Your Excellency Fang Fan, I want to state in advance that this belongs to the Heavenly Sword Force of the Heavenly Wave Sword Sect, and the only 10,000 people in front of me I can dispatch..."

"To tell you the truth, there are only 3,000 academic tokens in my hand..."

"I can't represent the entire Sky Wave Sword Sect... The main force of the Sky Wave Sword Sect is concentrated in the spirit sword power..."

"So...so your price is too high...too high..."

Lang Tianya exhaled, and his eyes quickly turned unnaturally.

Some things still need to be stated clearly, otherwise it will not be a fraud?

Fang Fan was taken aback for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Originally, he was still wondering how the Tian Langjian faction, as a top-ranking positive force, would only gather 10,000 examiners. It turned out that there is such a reason...

Heavenly Sword and Spirit Sword...

These two forces belong to the Sky Wave Sword Sect...

Among them, the sky sword is declining, and naturally there are fewer cultivators. The spirit sword is stronger, and the cultivators are far better than the sky sword...

Fang Fan secretly estimated that the Heavenly Sword Force of the Sky Wave Sword sent only 10,000 examiners, and the Spirit Sword force might be able to gather forty to fifty thousand practitioners.

But what Fang Fan really cares about is actually the combat power of Yan Xi and Lang Tianya.

The four-star sanctuary peak realm combat power is already a top master in the assessment field.

By hiring them, Fang Fan can save the steps of using precious cards.

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