This academic token is used to sprint the rankings. There are enough numbers to take the top 100. If there are too many, it will be a waste.

Fang Fan thought on the sidelines, his expression gradually becoming serious.

The Tianlangjian faction on the side, Jianzi Langtianya, the Heavenly Sword force, couldn't help but look a little drumming...

From his point of view, such a good opportunity is naturally unwilling to miss, but what if you don't miss it? The fact is already here, and to some extent he can no longer control it by himself.

At the moment, I can only proceed according to my wish...

Lang Tianya thought in his heart, his face couldn't help showing a look of regret.

If it is... if their Heavenly Sword Sword Sword Force Examiner can really get 10,000 academic tokens a day, then their Heavenly Sword Force will definitely be able to breathe a sigh...

According to the original speed of their Heavenly Sword forces, one day wandering around in the assessment field can harvest more than a thousand academic tokens.

He knew how big the difference was between 1,000 academic tokens and 10,000 academic tokens!

Thinking of this, the smile on Lang Tianya's face couldn't help but follow more and more.

All kinds of ideas gathered together, and the gesture of swallowing saliva was vividly displayed!

Great opportunity, we must try our best to seize...

Lang Tianya began to wink frantically at his sister Yan Xi, thinking about letting her sister help to speak nice things.

"Master... Master..."

The woman in the green gauze skirt waved the huge sword in her hand, and then yelled a few words.

Fang Fan opened his eyes and silently raised his head.

"Academic tokens are never rare to me."

"Since Yan Xi is now my registered disciple, I naturally don't care about this..."

"The so-called hiring of you is also to give you a chance to ride the wind and waves."

Fang Fan smiled silently, and he must maintain his style when he should pretend.


"you are so nice!"

"Then can you teach me swordsmanship now?"

"When will I be able to have no sword in my heart, and kendo will become a success?"

"Also, I stabbed you before, but you can recover from your injury in an instant. Is this also the mystery of kendo?"


Yan Xi blinked and called Master from time to time, and felt that Master was a little stubborn, and began to call Master again.

He always wanted Fang Fan to teach her swordsmanship.

Fang Fan knows how to use a hammer...

He always uses whatever weapon he has.

Now I have been using the sword because the Heaven Slashing Sword is special.

Otherwise, Fang Fan really wanted to directly carry the heavy machine artillery and fully bombard him.

But looking at Yan Xi's hopeful look, if Fang Fan said he wouldn't, wouldn't it be a face slap?

No matter how this disciple flicked it, after all, one mouthful of respected master screamed very sweetly...

"Kendo, illusory."

"Just feel it with your heart."

"Actually I have been teaching you..."

"You can't feel that I'm teaching you, it's because your heart is still too impetuous, you can't feel the sword intent I taught you."

"Avoid arrogance and rashness, and perceive carefully..."

"Everything can be a sword..."

"Every word I say is actually a condensed sword intent."

"I stroked your head, and the profound meaning of the sword..."

"Xi'er, have a good feeling, when you get started, I will naturally teach you more advanced kendo as a teacher!"

Fang Fan spoke solemnly, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn.

Not to mention anything else, just this **** look is very real.

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