Everyone's eyes gathered here, each trembling with their lips, their eyes trembling completely...

This is also a hammer...

There were waves, and they blew up directly!

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, looked at the ninth thunder that continued to gather, with a helpless look on his face...

"Can't hold it..."

"Too bad..."

"This is not an ordinary Nine-layered Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation..."

"And there are three in one. When the eighth sky thunder fell just now, most of the power of faith in me was drained..."

"If I forcefully support the first sky thunder, I will definitely die!"

Xue Wanren, deputy governor of the Guangming Academy, had his eyes flickering, and he had already thought about it at this moment.

"The assessment is terminated early!"

"Ten minutes later, the academic token rankings will be updated for the last time! This will be your result by then!"

"Take advantage of the last ten minutes, liquidate the academic tokens in your hands!"

"Also, there will be three ninth thunders of the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation coming down soon. You are all willing to Fang Fan! Don't get close to Fang Fan! His surroundings are extremely dangerous!"

"I am Xue Wanren, the deputy governor of the Guangming Academy! I announce the early termination of the assessment!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, yelled a few words, his eyes looked at the restless sky, and there was a hint of panic on his face...

Because of the intervention of him and a group of sage teachers of the Guangming Academy, the power of the ninth heavenly thunder of these three sanctuary thunder catastrophes has reached the semi-divine realm, even more than the semi-divine realm!


"If the battle pet that can inspire the Thunder Tribulation of the Nine Layers of Sanctuary can survive successfully, it will definitely be an excellent help in the future..."

"This Fang Fan also doesn't have this blessing..."

"Otherwise, relying on these three pets, the future will not be limited..."

"If it were before, there might still be a slight possibility to survive this nine-fold thunder tribulation of the sanctuary. As for now, it is absolutely impossible..."

"Although there is only the last ninth heavenly thunder, I can't bear this power, how can the three battle pets of the ultimate sanctuary realm be able to hold it..."

"Speaking of which, it was I who cheated his pets..."

"It would be great if the assessment was terminated early..."

"But at first, I blamed this guy for being too arrogant! Actually thinking of letting his battle pet cross the sanctuary thunder robbery in the assessment field..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, healed his injury a little, and then sighed silently.

"I just hope this little guy will be fine in the end..."

"These three battle pets are bound to die. If they continue to stay with this battle pet, it will be really dangerous..."

Xue Wanren gritted his teeth, his eyes flickering.


In the entire examination field outside the Guangming Mountain Range, all examiners naturally heard Xue Wanren's prompt sound.

At this moment, the sense of surprise in everyone's eyes gradually gathered.

Why is it over?

This has just begun the third day of assessment!

It is said that the assessment time is seven days?

"How can this be done! Change the order!"

"That's right, I have gotten dozens of college tokens so far, I can't get into the top thousand at all! This...it's not fair!"

"Haha... Even if your luck is good, there are a hundred academic tokens at the bottom. It must be no problem to enter the top 16,000 of the academic token rankings. At least you can become a foreign student of the university, and I Yeah! Damn! Nothing!"

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