The early termination of the assessment really made everyone feel extremely dissatisfied!

In ten minutes, the ranking of academic tokens will come to an end...

These ten minutes are the most critical...

The current academic token rankings suddenly jumped into the eyes of everyone...

"Academic Token Ranking!"

"First place: 131,000, 241! Owner: Fang Fan! From the third-class Qingtian Sanctuary!"

"Second place: Sixteen thousand one hundred and fifty-two! Owner: Ghost Sha! From the second-class fallen sanctuary!"

"Third place: Twelve thousand, four hundred and twenty! Owner: Duguao sword! From the first-class sky sanctuary Sky Wave Sword Sect!"

"Fourth place: 10,666! Owner: Zuoqiu Taxue! From the first-class Light Alliance Temple in the Sky Sanctuary!"

"Fifth place: Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine! Owner: Xiahou Yunlong! From the first-class sky sanctuary heaven and earth hall!"

"Sixth place: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine! Owner: Chutianqi! From the first-class sky sanctuary Chutian clan!"



"One hundred: six hundred and twenty-nine! Owner: Sun Gan! From the second-class sanctuary slaughter land sanctuary!"


"The thousandth place: Ninety-one! Owner: Keck! From the second-class Tianhong Sanctuary!"



"The 16,000th: Twelve! Owner Zhao Wuque! From the second-class Quinn sanctuary!"

At this moment, the ranking of academic tokens has not changed much from the previous ones, and everything is still not far off as before.

The current ranking is mainly divided into the top ten for everyone, and the top one thousand is still the top 16,000.

If you can get into the top ten of the Academy Token Fearful Gang, you will not only get rich credits and star core rewards, but most importantly, you can also get the training time of the Tower of Light!

It is no secret that practicing in the Tower of Light can increase the speed of cultivation.

Even practicing on the top of the Tower of Light can directly increase the speed of cultivation by a hundredfold. If you can enter the Tower of Light to practice at the critical moment of breakthrough, you can imagine the benefits!

In addition, that is, the top 1,000 examiners in the academic token rankings can become internal students. If they can become internal students, it means that they can obtain the full range of resources and attention of the university, and they can be regarded as entering. A great road!

No matter how bad it is, it will have to enter the top 16,000. If this is the case, it will still retain the quota of a foreign student...

The last ten minutes is the time to be truly crazy.

The eyes of everyone gathered here, and the expressions on their faces became more and more excited.

Winner or loser depends on the last ten minutes.

The so-called close comrades in the past, at this moment have also become their own hunting targets...

It's too late if you don't start!

Originally, I was thinking of slaughtering the fat and tender pigs raised by the fat pigs, but now the time is urgent, and I can only stab them!

You kill me, I kill you, so unhappy...

"Grass! Are you all crazy? I'm the young patriarch of the Chutian clan. You start your hands on me. What do you want to do? Get out! Get out! Get out of me!"

"Bastard! Do you want to die? Believe it or not that the young patriarch cut you off?"


"I... I treat you as my best brother, why... why do you want to..."

"You want a college token, just tell me, I will give it to you..."

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