"Student Fang Fan, you...Think carefully about it. Although I don't have a holy weapon as powerful as this sky-piercing cone, I will do my best to train you..."

Sima Zhen, the special mentor of the God of War Academy, sighed and could only say so.

As for the Dean of the Academy of War, Gao Song, he just shut up. He is a famous miser, and it is really difficult for him to come up with treasures that can rival the Sky Cone.

Several special-level tutors have evaded one after another, and this Taishujie special-level tutor, who has the title of undead tutor, is slightly prominent.

"Fang Fan!"


"I would rather you be my disciple, and you can't worship him as a teacher!"

"Don't think about it!"

"I will give you what you want!"

"But you must not worship him as a teacher!"

Murong Yu strode over, with a worried look on his face.

The scene seemed a bit silent...

Then there was a lot of noise...

"Is this the treatment of geniuses? The tutors are looting? No one cares about us?"

"Hey...it hurts self-esteem too much. Being in the same class as this kind of evildoer, it's so stressful!"

"Who said no! This is a hammer, it's just Fang Fan's personal show..."

"Um...difficult, difficult to go to the blue sky!"

"Now the beautiful tutors from the Wars Seminary are on the stage in person, sadly, who will take us in!"

"I knew this a long time ago, I won't come to join in this excitement this time, it's too shocking, and my self-esteem is directly destroyed..."

"Who said no, but we still have to face it. Even if we get beaten in the face, we have to grit our teeth and stick to it!"

"My head hurts... so difficult!"

"Teachers, give us a little bit of Enze, we also want to be your disciples..."

"Yeah, you can't be so favoritism, it's too sad..."


There was a burst of noise from the surrounding area, and it almost fryed the pan.

One wave after another, the rhythm of the face beating is very strong.

"Hey... At the beginning, I went to find Brother Fang Fan, let him and my alliance make trouble in the tower of the Academy, and finally became Brother Fang Fan. I became a transparent person. Who would God spare? It's too difficult for me! Now that the eyes of several special-level instructors are all focused on Fang Fan, what can we do?"

Gui Sha shook his head, and then followed with a wry smile. He was in a deep relationship with the evildoer like Brother Fang Fan, and he didn't know if it was the greatest luck or misfortune...

Walking with the evildoer, there is a high probability that you will become evildoer. This is naturally a good thing, but the sense of existence is not very strong, and the halo is basically worn on Fang Fan's head.

"Used to it……"

"You just need to remember one thing to stay with Fang Fan, that is, don't compete with yourself, let the flow go, it's good to follow the situation, otherwise you can die of jealousy every day..."

"Now we have to wait for him to choose a mentor before we can continue to choose mentors, otherwise these mentors will also be casual..."

Bai Piao grunted twice, then took out something from the storage ring and put it in the final chew.

"Brother Bai Piao has cultivated home!"

"The heart is good enough!"

"It seems that I really have to learn more from Brother Bai Piao!"

Gui Sha nodded, and now his admiration for Bai Piao is not even a star...

From being able to fight with Fang Fan at will under the coercion of the mentors, to using extraordinary means to conceal the 30 billion star cores, this piece by piece is not something ordinary people can do.

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