"I can't talk about learning, it's all about experience..."

"Otherwise, let's guess which tutor Fang Fan would choose?"

"The loser must give the winner a billion star cores or invite them to a full banquet on the third floor of the canteen of the college! I heard Fang Fan talk about it before, saying that the third floor of the canteen of the college is rare. There are delicious ingredients, such as dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder, Tai Sui ribs..."

Bai Piao licked his lips and said excitedly.

Instantly become a fan of food and money.


"It's not a bad idea..."

"Brother Bai Piao is invited to have a meal, it is of course also..."

"I wonder who Brother Bai Piao thinks Brother Fang Fan will choose as his mentor?"

Gui Sha suddenly became interested, and immediately followed inquiries.

"I made the proposal. You guess it first, and I will guess after you guess it. If you get it right, I won't guess it."

Bai Piao shrugged and said confidently.

"Um... Then I'm disrespectful..."

Gui Sha nodded, and then began to think about it...

"Brother Fang Fan had complained about the Dean before, and he was rather stingy, and as the Dean, he probably didn't have much time to teach his disciples, so Brother Fang Fan will most likely not choose Dean Gao Song..."

"As for Mentor Murong, it is absolutely impossible..."

"Brother Fang Fan doesn't want to do things that violate ethics."

When Gui Sha said this, he smiled trivially, and understood everything.

"The rest are the three special mentors..."

"Wulang Special Grade Instructor, Intermediate Saint Venerable, his cultivation level is not high, but he has a good temper and takes care of his disciples..."

"Sima Zhen's special instructor, high-ranking saintly realm, standard gentleman instructor, has a good cultivation base, and is relatively well-known. It is said that he has learned the most combat skills...Brother Fang Fan will definitely choose..."

"Furthermore, the teacher Taishujie, this...I won't talk about this, and everyone who understands understands..."

"So I think that Brother Fang Fan should still choose between Simazhen Super Instructor and Wulang Super Instructor, and he is more inclined to Simazhen Super Instructor!"

"What does Bai Piao think?"

Gui Sha nodded, then analyzed the wave comprehensively, and finally reached a conclusion.


Bai Piao laughed presumptuously...

"Brother Guisha, you still don't understand Fang Fan..."

"Your analysis in the first half of the paragraph is indeed correct, but the mistake is in the last step..."

"In fact, before I entered the tower of the Academy, I was almost certain who Fang Fan would choose as a tutor..."

"At this time, I am basically determined."

"He will definitely choose Tai Uncle Jie!"

Bai Piao waved his big hand and said confidently.

"Uncle Jie?"


"It is rumored that nine of the ten disciples under the hands of this undead mentor will die, and one is still disabled..."

"Brother Fang Fan shouldn't... won't be stubborn to that extent..."

"This is clearly a life of nine deaths..."

Gui Sha opened his mouth and felt some scalp tingling inexplicably...

"Hehe...you don't understand this. Others will indeed be dead for a lifetime under this undead mentor, but Fang Fan, that is a true **** who dares to exist, do you think he will be afraid of this?"

"This uncle Jie looks messy, uncut, and looks very unreliable, but he has a strong combat power!"

"The high-ranking saints dare to be tough with the demigod and strong, and even retreat with their whole body! This already explains the problem!"

"Furthermore, he is still a pinnacle saint-level alchemist who can provide a lot of cultivation resources.

"And also generous enough..."

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