Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2483: Drive several related households

Bai Piao said more and more vigorously, and the smiles on his face increased.

"The Po Tianzhu is so arrogant as they describe it, and it must be of great value..."

"Boy Fang Fan is an absolute interestist, which is very similar to me... As long as the benefits are given enough, what necromancer is not a mentor, those are nothing!

Bai Piao waved his big hand, and while talking, the decisive expression on his face became more and more, and a different kind of light flashed in his eyes, various thoughts gathered, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more real.

"But... but that is still the Necromancer after all..."

"I think Brother Fang Fan should not be so impulsive..."

Gui Sha opened his mouth, still trying to stick to his own ideas.

"Hey hey, wait and see, anyway, you can't miss this big meal, I'm coming!"

Bai Piao raised his eyebrows, and his face gradually showed excitement.


At this moment, Fang Fan listened to Murong Yu’s care, while thinking about all kinds of thinking in his mind...

In fact, to put it plainly, there are already some answers in my heart.

He could understand Murong Yu's concern for him, but he was afraid that Fang Fan would go astray. If he really became the disciple of the undead in front of him, he might be on the road of destruction in the future.

But for a long time, Fang Fan's path has been in his own hands, and others have no right to interfere!

This is where Fang Fan's real confidence lies!

If you don't even have this confidence, let alone other things, those are bullshit, meaningless and worthless.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, his thoughts gradually gathered in his mind, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more real...

"Thank you for your concern..."

"But the safety factor, I have always been tight-lipped, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Fang Fan winked at Murong Yu, suggesting that he didn't have to worry about it.

If he doesn't even have this self-confidence, then he is really useless. At this moment, the sense of indifference in his heart is obvious.

Murong Yu looked at Fang Fan like this, how could he not know that Fang Fan had made a decision in his heart, and could only be anxious at the moment.

She knows Fang Fan too well, as long as it is something he decides, it is basically difficult to make changes.

At this moment, he can only sigh silently.

"I choose my uncle's tutor."

"Master is here!"

Fang Fan arched his hand, even if he had seen it before, he secretly stabbed the high-level saint-level sacrificial artifact and put away the sky-breaking cone. The gift that the master gave to the apprentice, the apprentice should naturally treasure it.


"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Boy! I didn't see you wrong as expected!"

"I knew that our father and I are the same kind of people!"

"Follow me to make sure your future is colorful!"

Tai Uncle Jie waved his big hand, and smiled so cheerfully.


"It is enough to charge such a disciple this time!"


Tai Uncle Jie was talking, and then yelled excitedly.

"Master, actually you don't need to recruit a disciple..."

"I still have several related households here, otherwise you will also accept them together..."

Fang Fan groaned, then followed.


"What is your kid's name!"

"I accept disciples very strictly!"

"I don't accept ordinary apprentices!"

"But I'm happy today. For your face, let all of your related households come over, I will accept them all!"

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