"You all want to apply for Golden Boy?"

"Could it be that all of you have caught my Xiangfei?"

Murong Yu covered his mouth and smiled, directly revealing the cautious thoughts of Bai Piao and others.

Fang Fan had a headache, these guys are too embarrassing!

"I happen to be short of people right now..."

"But this golden boy is not so good..."

"A lot of people have been here before, but the match with Xiang Fei is too low..."

"I just said that Concubine Xiang, at least 70% of the matching degree of fit is enough..."

"If you want to apply, just check the fit!"

Murong Yu shrugged and gradually recovered his majesty as a mentor.

"I'll come first!"

"To tell you the truth, I thought I was also a well-known figure in our field... All these aspects are all cards!"

"I can!"

Bai Piao directly began to put gold on his face, and while talking, he nodded and said with confidence, the excited expression on his face was vividly displayed...

This posture is very real.

This guy's interest in beauties seems to have greatly strengthened recently...

I don’t know whether it is physical or psychological. In short, it’s bad intentions!

Zuo Qiuyao and Gui Sha have no objection. Anyway, this kind of thing does not come in order. In the end, it is necessary to select the talent line with the highest fit...

As for the test fit, it is actually very simple. Put two people in a special device to make a soul collision with each other, so that both the appearance and the mental power will reach a certain degree of resonance.

Generally speaking, the stronger the resonance, the higher the fit.

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded each other, behaving extremely real.

"Sister Xiangfei, my name is Bai Piao..."

"Ah... I didn't make it. If we can cooperate, I think it must be a match made in heaven!"

"The finished product sculpted at that time will definitely become a masterpiece!"

"By then, we will also pass on a good story!"

"Sister Xiangfei, do you have time lately? I heard that the dragon, liver, and phoenix on the third floor of the cafeteria are good. If we look back, why not try some delicious food?"

"Sister Xiangfei..."

Bai Piao's Sui Sui thoughts are really too strong, this guy also has a tendency to learn from Zuo Qiu Yao now, and he has begun to turn into stubbornness.

As for that Xiangfei didn’t change her expression from beginning to end, she was finally nagged by Bai Piao, she could only show an embarrassing but polite smile...

The two entered the equipment for testing the fit, and then Murongyu began to fully operate...

As soon as Murong Yu turned on the device, he heard a roar, and the device directly stuck...

Then Bai Piao and the Xiangfei were also directly ejected.

"What's wrong?"

"Is it because the match between me and Miss Xiangfei is too high? So this device is simply difficult to detect?"

"Is this the fate of heaven?"

"Sister Xiangfei, I didn't believe in fate before, but this time I really fell into it and couldn't help myself. I..."

Bai Piao wanted to continue talking nonsense, but was finally interrupted by Murong Yu.

"Don't be narcissistic. Your fit is zero. You can't even meet the conditions for starting the device. You are eliminated."

Murong Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Bai Piao: "..."

Too shocking! He can't accept this reality...

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