"I think I can continue to try..."

"Generally, this extreme situation is a small probability..."

"It is very likely that the fit between us is too high and this is the reason..."

"So I think it is necessary to test several times..."

Bai Piao was obviously unwilling, and while talking, his eyes flickered violently...

This guy also wanted to forcibly drill into the equipment for testing the fit, and was finally pulled out by Fang Fan directly.

"Don't be ashamed!"

"The elimination is the next one!"

"Hurry up..."

"Brother Zuoqiu? Brother Ghost?"

Fang Fan looked at these two people, and now he was thinking of putting this matter to an end as soon as possible. Does he think the situation today is not messy enough?

"I come……"

"I come……"

These two are quite positive and both want to be the first.

But the final test results are not ideal. A 30% fit and a 50% fit are far from the standard 70% fit...

Bai Piao, Gui Sha, and Zuo Qiuyao's three difficult brothers hug each other to express their bitterness...

"Is it all done?"

"Then go quickly, don't delay the business of Teacher Murong..."

Fang Fan rubbed his head. Today, he really lacked consideration. He actually ran to Murongyu's dormitory with these guys in front of him...

Fortunately, everything has been investigated clearly, and there are no problems left behind, all within a reasonable range.

Fang Fan still wants to know more about a wave of Guangming Academy...

Also, go to the task area to take a good look. If there is a suitable task, just do it.

It's just that these three goods are still looking reluctant...

Speaking of which, Murong Yu, the disciple named Xiangfei, is really special. The unique fragrance that radiates from his body makes people yearn for.

"and many more……"

"its not right……"

"We've all tested the fit with Xiangfei Senior Sister, why don't you go, Fang Fan?"

Bai Piao hit the core.

"Yes! Almost forgot... Brother Fang Fan, this is your home court!"

"You are a talent, I think it's almost..."

"Brother Fang Fan, all are here, it would be a pity if you don't conduct a wave of tests!"

Gui Sha also encouraged him.

Although Zuo Qiuyao didn't say a word, the way he kept nodding his head could already show a lot of things.

This wave after wave all seemed quite bells and whistles.

"I don't have to..."

Fang Fan was talking, looking at Murong Yu who was on the side, thinking about letting her come out to stop the chaos right now...

This scene is too complicated, it is a headache!

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Test if you want to test!"

"Looks like you've been thinking that way?"

"My concubine Xiang looks so beautiful, why? Are you tempted again?"

"Just say it if you feel tempted, I don't know what to say..."

"You want to test the fit with Concubine Xiang. This is normal. Don't you men have this virtue?"

"I know, I know all!"

"There is nothing else to say, right?"


Murong Yu said a lot...

It doesn't matter what I said, I didn't care at all, but the tone was obviously different.

If you don't have this capacity, don't you be so generous, OK? Isn't this finding a sin for yourself?

"Forget it, the fit between me and Xiangfei-senpai will probably not be too high..."

"Don't waste time..."

Fang Fan waved his hand, then prepared to turn around and leave.

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