At this time, Zuo Qiuyao suddenly remembered that Fang Fan had said that he would strive to graduate in four years...

I thought it was a joke before, it was too arrogant, but when you think about it, is it not an expression of self-confidence?

"No wonder the master has to take a high look at him, willing to commit himself to him, it turns out... he is so good!"

"Master's vision is really good!"

Xiang Fei whispered to herself, the expression on her face changed a little while she was talking...

The master in her mouth is naturally Murong Yu.

I don't know why, when she said this, she always felt a strong sense of loss...

It was as if she had lost something, which made her feel the vicissitudes of life...

No matter how good Fang Fan is, it has nothing to do with her.

He is Master’s man...

Concubine Xiang shook her head, completely discarded the messy thoughts in her mind, and then proceeded to watch the competition seriously.


The corpse of Zhou Feng on the stage is placed there brightly, which will more or less give people a sense of shock. Looking at it at this moment brings a lot of pressure to several people around...

Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei, a five-star early stage sanctuary and a five-star interrupted sanctuary, are not much different from the fighting power of the dead Zhou Feng. If Fang Fan can kill Zhou Feng with two punches, he will definitely be able to kill them!

I used to think that this competition was a torture and killing, and there was absolutely no possibility of any accidents, but now it has changed, completely changed, everything makes him feel unfamiliar, frightened, and at a loss...

Now I shouldn’t deal with how to make decisions...


"Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood..."

Zuo Qiu, a predecessor student of the Five-Star Beginner Sanctuary Realm, shrank his neck, he was really shocked...

"Go on!"

"Stop for what?"

"Fuck me! Kill Fang Fan!"

"Zhou Feng, this trash! What a shame!"

"You are all earth-level and heaven-level students, what are you afraid of?"

"Go up and do it!"

"When this **** is killed, this **** son will have many rewards!"

"At that time, you have what you want!"

"If you delay the matter of this **** son, you will know what you will end up with!"

Rows of roars poured out from the mouth of Zuoqiu Taxue, the **** of the first-class Light Alliance temple. This round was caused by him. He just wanted to build his power and teach Fang Fan a lesson!

If he can't achieve what he wants, then he is hitting himself in the face!

At this time, can he let this happen?

Isn't this a bullshit?

His Zuoqiu Taxue's face must not be lost!

Zuo Qiusui, who was standing on the martial arts platform at this moment, was suddenly embarrassed...

Attack, he is afraid of death.

Don't attack, Zuoqiu Taxue stared at him again.

Now I feel angry and embarrassed on both sides. After this wave, I feel my head buzzing inexplicably, and I don’t know how to choose...

All decisions are temporarily suspended because of this!

Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei both subconsciously looked at Zuo Qiu, a heavenly student of Guangming Academy standing in the middle...

In any case, at this time, it depends on how Big Brother acts...

Zuoqiu Meteo is the only heavenly academy among the three of them, and has the highest cultivation base, reaching the sixth-star sanctuary realm!

If you want to kill Fang Fan at this moment, this is obviously the most likely.

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