"Brother Met..."

"rely on you……"

"We will help you..."

Zuo Qiu Sui, a prefecture-level student of Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, and while speaking, the nervous expression on his face could not help but increase, especially at this time, everything seemed very cramped and nervous.

If you are not careful, you may be beaten to death!

That Zhou Feng is already a lesson from the past, they don't want to be the second Zhou Feng!


"What's to be afraid of?"

"You two go up and contain him, I will find a chance to kill him directly..."

Zuo Qiu, a heavenly student of the Guangming Academy, gave a cold snort, and a wicked smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

While talking, he directly pushed Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei directly...

At this moment, Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei looked at each other, they were completely panicked...

This is too special, you are so much stronger than us, let us go first? What do you think...

"Dare to retreat, without speaking from His Highness, I will kill you first!"

As the Tian-level students of Guangming Academy spoke, the threatening voice directly said, which directly blocked the road, and did not give other people a chance...

The scene gradually became frightening at this time, and everyone's eyes gathered here. It must be false to say that there is no feeling, but now it can only continue to linger...

Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei, two pre-level students, looked at each other, their teeth were shaking...

One of these two guys is a five-star early stage sanctuary state, and the other is a five-star middle stage sanctuary stage, but at this time, they are also somewhat unable to control...

"Go on... There is still a possibility to live, but you will die if you don't..."


"Our lives are too bitter!"

"Damn... treat us as gunmen..."

"I'm in the same family... don't treat me as a person at all..."

Zuo Qiusui's lips trembled subconsciously. Thinking like this in his heart at this moment, his complexion gradually became distorted, and the feeling of flexion in his heart became more and more dense, but at this moment, he can only bite the bullet and continue Done...

Do not break or stand...


The prefecture-level students Zuo Qiusui and Sun Kaiwei rushed towards Fang Fan's position with a roar at the same time. Fang Fan held the Heaven Slashing Sword and then flickered, directly slashing over...

At this dangerous moment, Sun Kaiwei was completely panicked, and immediately hid behind Zuo Qiusui, using Zuo Qiusui's body as a shield...

That's what he thought at the beginning...

Fang Fan’s sword is here...


Fang Fan’s sword collided with the sword of Zuo Qiusui, a pre-level student of the Guangming Academy, and he uttered a clanging sound. Then he felt a tingling in the tiger’s mouth and a tremor in his arms. Shorthand the sword in his hand was directly pulled by the tremendous force. Fly out...

Without the barriers of weapons, Fang Fan's Heaven Slashing Sword can go forward...


"No... not like this..."

"I don't want to die... I really don't want to die..."

"Don't kill me...Don't kill me!"

"I hate it! I am so!"

"Sun Kaiwei! You bastard..."

Zuo Qiu, a pre-level student of Guangming Academy, screamed. Of course he could feel that Sun Kaiwei behind him was pulling his clothes tightly...

This guy had this idea from the beginning...

What's more, it's completely using him as a shield!

This prefecture-level student Zuo Qiusui of the Guangming Academy still wants to continue to vent his inner feelings, but he can't do it anymore. At this moment, Fang Fan's sword has reached his forehead...

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