The scene seemed very sensational...

A crowd of viewers were instantly confused about this kind of scene, how could it become like this...

At this moment, everyone also caught some unusual points...

For example, what is the special relationship between this teacher Zhou Cui of the priest college and Zuo Qiuyu, the heavenly college of Guangming Academy? Why are you desperate to save him?

To say that these two are not in the same family, the surnames are different...

But the name Zhou Cui gave to Zuo Qiuyu just now seems worthy of attention...


The audience took a breath...

"Shenma situation, who can tell me, I want to eat some melon..."

"It's impossible to eat melons. It is impossible to eat melons in this life. It can only be said that Teacher Zhou Cui's relationship with Zuo Qiuyu is not normal... As for what happened, it is hard to say, it is really hard to say ..."

"Zhi... won't the two be a Taoist couple?"

"Um... it's not impossible, anyway, Zuo Qiuyu seems to have received a lot of attention from Teacher Zhou Cui..."

"This is really interesting, it sounds interesting, tut tut... take off, take off!"


There were shouts and shouts, and suddenly a lot of gossip on the faces of the audience.

"Are all of them stupid?"

"Did you not bet at all?"

"This Fang Fan is so fierce, your previous bets are cold..."


At the critical moment, there is still someone who understands. After the facts were exposed, everyone directly followed them...

At this moment, my eyes widened, I didn't know what to say, I just felt that this head was buzzing, and the excitement was too strong!

"Tutor Zhou Cui!"

"Please step down!"

"This is the martial arts platform of the Tiandao Society! Even if you are a tutor, you are not qualified to stay here! And you have seriously affected the rules of our martial arts field!"

As soon as the incident happened, Cui Qing, the head of the logistics department of the Tiandao Society, walked directly to the Wudoutai and warned Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Theological College.


"What are the rules? I will teach you the rules today!"

"It's just a fight between students, just click and stop, but this Fang Fan is dying everywhere!"

"This is clearly the devil's behavior!"

"As the mentor of Guangming Academy, I want to eliminate such despicable people for Guangming Academy!"

While talking, Zhou Cui, the second-level instructor of the Theological Academy, immediately burst out the cultivation base of the Seven-Star High-Stage Sanctuary Realm, and the aura on his body was completely revealed, giving people an endless sense of consciousness!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are gathered here, and the expressions on their faces are more or less strange...

Now Zhou Cui, the second-level mentor of the Priesthood Academy, has directly targeted Fang Fan, and even wants to kill Fang Fan directly in this way...

"I'm Cao..."

"Old witch, can you do something so bad?"

"You violated the rules of the battlefield, and now you still want to hurt people?"

"Who gave you the special face?"

"Just like you, you are not qualified to be a tutor of Guangming Academy!"

"Today you don't want to hurt my Fang Fan a bit!"

"Damn...I don't believe it, why are you so awesome?"

Zuo Qiuyao, the vice president of Tiandao Society, strode forward, and stood directly on Fang Fan's side and spoke out.

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