It can only be said that some people's behavioral methods are really too dogged!

You don't want to be stubborn at all!

Sometimes I really can't help it, so I just roared!

Is this so bearable? Isn't that the best?

"Just relying on you few, want to stop me?"

"Get out of here! Otherwise even you will clean up!"

"I haven't graduated yet, how dare you educate me?"

"Things beyond self-reliance!"

"Today I will teach this ruthless little thief!"

Zhou Cui, the second-level mentor of the Priesthood Academy, looked directly at Fang Fan, obviously not stopping Fang Fan to death.

The so-called lessons may also directly evolve into missed killings...

This method is simply too low-end...

Zhou Cui, the second-level mentor of the Priesthood Academy, had already rushed towards Fang Fan's position while speaking.

Fang Fan's expression changed for a while, and now he really can't fight against the existence of a seven-star high-end sanctuary. If he can't stand it, he can only avoid the storage of the Tiange small world...

"My disciple, on what basis do you teach?"



Loud slaps sounded in the fighting arena, and the scene gradually became solemn.

Zhou Cui’s attack on Fang Fan, the second-level mentor of the Priesthood Academy, was instantly dismantled. At this moment, a middle-aged man in a black robe stood in place, his hair was messy, and his face was indifferent...

Anyway, it's an arrogant gesture...

Slapped on the spot, domineering...

This person is naturally the tutor Tai Shujie that Fang Fan chose in the Tower of the Academy...

Unexpectedly, he rushed out at the critical moment.

"Uncle Jie?"

"Uncle Tutor!"

"He is your disciple?"

"I...I don't know..."

"But I just taught him what's wrong? As a mentor, I don't have this right?"

"He is just a freshman!"

Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Priesthood College, held his head high, as if he was still not convinced.



"I am a super mentor, I think you are upset, what's wrong with me teaching you?"

"No way?"

Bang bang bang...

While Tai Uncle Jie was talking, he strode forward and directly gave Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Priest College, a dozen big ear scrapers...

The face of Zhou Cui, the second-level tutor of the Priesthood Academy, instantly swelled into a pig's head...

The scene seemed very dramatic at one time, everyone's eyes gathered here, and they almost laughed directly...

This is too funny...

Can you not be so funny...

"Uncle Jie!"

" are shameless!"

"How dare you humiliate me like this!"

"I did it with you!"

Zhou Cui, the second-level mentor of the Theological Academy, turned red for a while, and at this moment, he felt quite like vomiting blood. He roared, and at the same time he started charging without thinking...

If you change to a normal male mentor and encounter this kind of sloppy, the probability is fine... What is the big deal, just say a few soft words?

But who made Zhou Cui meet an abnormal teacher...

Tai Shujie has always been very equal to men and women.

The male instructor should beat, and the female instructor should do the same.

"Tsk... just thinking about how to vent my apprentice, you came..."

"that's nice……"

"Eat me!"

Tai Uncle Jie was talking, the smile on his face was very real, and a fist was directly smashed during the speech...



The body of Zhou Cui, the second-level instructor of the Priesthood Academy, was like a bullet out of the chamber, rushing out for hundreds of meters, and then slammed on the wall of the martial arts arena before slowly stopping.

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