The whole audience directly exploded...

In this case, the dealer is full, and everyone else has become an iron head baby!

The scene was once bombarded!

This wave after wave, what do you want to make...

I'm all doing things!

And this rhythm is still very strong!

Bai Piao is already laughing from ear to ear...

"Please call me God of Gamblers..."

"Without blowing, in the gambling industry, no one can match me!"

"Did you talk to you before? Don't be nervous, it's not a big problem!"

"Are you all eating meat now?"

"Reassure you, the problem is not too big!"

"Isn't it bad to hold on to the whole situation directly?"

"Who dare to be comparable to us?"

Bai Piao has his head high and his chest is tall, anyway, his posture must be full at the beginning!

Anyway, it is indeed proud enough now!

All the feelings must be shown!

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, that is the attitude!

"Brother Bai Piao, this... is this Brother Fang Fan still a human?"

"This is basically a humanoid fighter..."

"The combat power is too strong..."

"There is no pressure to sling and beat the six-star early stage sanctuary powerhouse..."

"Is this Brother Fang Fan?"

"Reckless, it was really reckless before..."

Gui Sha subconsciously touched his head, while speaking, he sighed from the side.

In any case, it is to express the kind of admiration in my heart.

too strong……

Strong enough to burst!

King debut!


"We are really frogs at the bottom of the well..."

"Brother Fang Fan really can't look at it with normal eyes! The bully, even the heaven-level students were beaten to the ground, this... this qualification and combat power can be directly promoted to heaven-level students..."

"What else to study at Guangming Academy? Enter the school today and graduate tomorrow?"

Zuo Qiuyao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and while talking, his face couldn't help showing a helpless look. At this moment, he felt a sensation in his head...

This feeling is so strong for Mao...

He is really about to split!

Can you be a little low-key! too difficult!

He can't keep up with his thinking...

"Sure enough... you are still as good as that..."

"Only such an excellent person can be worthy of Master Murong..."

"Sure enough, good people play with good people..."

"I...I'm still a lot worse..."

Xiang Fei murmured to herself, feeling inexplicably tingling when she spoke...

She doesn't know why she feels this way, probably... probably because of that kind of unwillingness?

Xiang Fei shook her head, her face couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness.


Fang Fan slapped the dust on his body, then walked off the martial arts stage indifferently, his smile becoming more sincere.

This feeling is just a sense of pride...

In all aspects, the posture must be full...

"Boy, I didn't disappoint my teacher!"

"It seems that you have heard everything your teacher taught you!"

"You are considered to have inherited the fighting style of opening up for the normal university!"

"Russ can teach!"

"It can be inferred by analogy, not bad, not bad!"

"Although I teach well is one aspect, but your own strong comprehension ability is also a factor!"

"My uncle's disciple, it must be so!"

Tai Shu Jie patted his chest, while talking, followed Tsundere.

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