It's just Fang Fan's question mark at this moment...

This is so... good fellow! What a good guy!

What are you talking about...

This muttering, still thinking about taking off or what?

How many days have I been your disciple? The time we spend together does not exceed one hour...

You can count the words clearly with your fingers...

This is called teaching?

Fang Fan shrugged subconsciously. At this moment, he didn't bother to complain about it, and he was tired...

This cheap master is a bit shameless!

I should do my best to perform with you...

"Master teaches..."

"It is a great honor for me to be able to take over Master's teaching!"

"Master's words are very enlightening to me, and every teaching is like a divine enlightenment..."

"Before I met Master, I didn't know that anyone could perform the role of Master so well..."

"My admiration for you is hard to express in words. That admiration and gratitude is as vast as the realm of God, and as magnificent as the endless heavens..."

Fang Fan held his head high and his expression became more solemn.

The cooperation or the cooperation...

"Russ can teach!"

Uncle Jie nodded quickly, this apprentice can do it!

Now, whether it is face or lining!

It's so cool!

As for the surrounding area, the eyes have already appeared, and some of the people with poor ability to bear it began to vomit directly...

Don't be forced...

Bai Piao looked at the Wudoutai, feeling profound at this moment...

"I used to think that I have the thickest skin. Now it seems that I am far behind Fang Fan..."

"This guy wasn't like this before... Did he learn from me? Then Qing came out of Blue and outperformed Blue?"

"This cheeky and black belly... invincible!"


"Learn a little bit!"

"Boy Fang Fan definitely learned from me!"

"On the shameless inheritance!"

Bai Piao held up his chest, seemed quite arrogant.

" do I feel goose bumps all over the place..."

"Brother Fang Fan and the uncle's mentor clearly have not had any exchanges...Brother Fang Fan is also the first to be able to talk nonsense so smoothly!"

"I admire... admire it!"

As Gui Sha was talking, he nodded with approval and said, his feelings became more and more intense.

Maybe this is the boss...

It's completely taking off!

How strong is it!


"No...Sister Xiangfei, have you seen Fang Fan's true face now?"

"This guy is just a guy who talks to people and talks to others..."

"I don't know how many intestines there are..."

"Ah...did his charm value drop in an instant?"

"Actually, I was wrong just now, I am not as thick-skinned as him, nor as shameless as him!"

Bai Piao's eyes rolled around, and then she ran to the concubine Xiang Fei to show her hospitality!

While talking, he immediately nodded and said, his expression was very excited...

Everyone: "..."

Was it overthrown when I just said something? Shameless...

In order to show it in front of Xiang Fei, the shameless posture was completely interpreted to the extreme.

"Charm value decreased?"


"How cute is this..."

"You see, Fang Fan's schoolboy is so cute that he can speak nonsense seriously..."

Concubine Xiang blinked, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but focus on Fang Fan.

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