Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2585: It's really the pot of the Tower of Light

Fang Fan was embarrassed...

It seems like there are so many things in it, but the point is that it really has nothing to do with him, how wrong he is, now this head is buzzing...

Fang Fan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say at this moment...

"Neither... nor that..."

"I didn't do what you did after being drunk that day?"

"This...that...I was really dizzy at the time, so it was fragmented..."

Fang Fan gave a wry smile and said sincerely.


"What are you doing in such a rush to disassociate yourself? Are you afraid that I will ruin you?"

"Do you mean that?"

Xiang Fei tilted her head, her expression gradually becoming serious.

Fang Fan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say at this moment...

What an embarrassment it is to put yourself inside! How stupid!

"of course not……"

"I just want to know if I did anything excessive that day other than asking you to call me the master..."

Fang Fan looked embarrassed, and then continued to ask.

Generally speaking, this is the most critical point. As for the others, they are all on the verge of pulling the calf...

Fang Fan took a deep breath, and his facial expressions immediately changed...

At this moment, the spirit in this heart also rose suddenly!

"What is the excessive move you said?"

"Hold me, don't you let it go?"

"You said... I smell good..."

"You still...you still say you want me..."

Concubine Xiang was talking, then exhaled like orchid...

Fang Fan: "..."

Now it is no longer a question of embarrassment or embarrassment, this is an accident in style!

This wave is too damned!

Fang Fan squirmed his lips, now I really don’t know what to say, I feel that the momentum is not right...


"Sister Xiangfei, what... I was really drunk..."

"Otherwise, let's do it... Cultivation..."

Fang Fan supported his forehead and immediately began to think about it.

This has never been so embarrassing before!

Concubine Xiang looked at Fang Fan's posture, and then let out a burst of laughter like silver bells...

This laughter is accompanied by bursts of unique fragrance, which is quite intoxicating...

Fang Fan took a deep breath, then sat on the ground in silence, his expression suddenly becoming extremely serious...

He wants to get rid of all those fancy thoughts through meditation practice...

In this state, my head is buzzing...

It's just that as soon as Fang Fan closed his eyes, a scene of blooming flowers appeared in his mind...

All in all, it’s upset...

The chaos is fragmented.

Fang Fan forcibly forced himself to practice for more than half an hour, and he almost didn't let himself go directly into the trap...

"There is a problem with this tower of light..."

"Where is the cultivation speed a hundred times faster? This is simply the desire to spread a hundred times..."

Fang Fan clenched his fists, feeling the hot sensation coming from all over his body, his eyes flickered intensely...

That feeling is so real...

Saying something without feeling at all is definitely false, and the mood at this moment has also become different.

"I...I can't continue to practice..."

A feeling of softness came, and then a light voice suddenly raided...

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