In this unique atmosphere, Fang Fan felt that he was hot all over...

That feeling, very scratchy...

In the ninth floor of the Tower of Light, the power of these surging divine veins fire is assimilated by the power of faith, but after all, it is an exceptionally pure power!

This power slowly erupted and gradually began to control Fang Fan's mind...

Fang Fan turned his head, a piece of white skin flashed in front of him...

Fang Fan felt inexplicably red all over his body...

This is the fire of life burning!


Fang Fan let out a roar like a beast, and his eyes gradually became excited.

Crazy ideas gather here, this is the truest state of mind!

"Will you... regret it?"

Fang Fan breathed out a suffocating breath, feeling the fragrance in the air, as if there was a fire dragon circulating on him...

That feeling is very real!

"I...I don't know..."

"I just want to... just bite you!"

Xiang Fei's complexion blushed, and then suddenly opened her mouth, and bit down on Fang Fan's chest viciously...

Not only did Fang Fan not gradually become sober under the pain, but the whole person was completely plunged into a kind of crazy excitement!

"This is my way..."

"The road to promotion is blocked by myself..."

"I didn't understand it before, but now I understand, I fully understand..."

"It turned out to be like this..."

"This has always been my deliberate escape..."

"Whatever you want is the only criterion for cultivation!"

"It's easy to say whatever you want, but it's not that easy to put it into practice..."

Suddenly there were epiphanies in Fang Fan's mind...

He seemed to have fallen into an ethereal realm, in that state, the whole person followed...

Fang Fan looked at the concubine Xiangfei who was still fluttering under him, and then subconsciously licked his lips...

The essence of doing whatever you want is to do what you want!

If there is any suppression in this regard, then it is really meaningless...

"You... be gentle..."

"I fear pain……"

Concubine Xiang exhales like a blue, her expression is a little expectant, but there is a kind of panic...

To some extent, this expression can stimulate men's ambition from the heart!


The explosive fighting has completely begun!

Although the sound insulation of the Tower of Light is really good, it is not so good, so some sounds can still be heard next door...

On the ninth floor of the Tower of Light, there are only three training rooms. Fang Fan and Concubine Xiang are in the middle, Gui Sha and Zuo Qiuyao are on the left, and Bai Piao and Ripple are in the training room on the right...

At this moment they could hear some slight gasps and high-pitched screams...

These voices came and went one after another and couldn't disappear.

In the first training room on the ninth floor of the Tower of Light...

Gui Sha had just fallen into a critical moment of cultivation, when he suddenly heard this, he suddenly vomited old blood...

"I go……"

" my something wrong..."

The ghost gave a bitter smile, and then looked at Zuo Qiu Yao, who was also awakened from the side...

"Hey... Brother Fang Fan is really charming..."

"I really need to learn more with him in this respect..."

"People's ability and experience in this area are not comparable to ours..."

"This is really too bad..."

Zuo Qiu Yao opened his mouth, and then said silently.

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