"Don't bully you there. If this matter has anything to do with you, just count it on yourself..."

"Actually, this thing is simple to say, how can it be so evil as you say..."

"Just know this clearly and plainly!"

"Speaking of speaking, it's the fate of my brother Fang Fan. Who knows that he ran into the daughter of the Vice-Palace Master in this encounter. It's really... jealous!"

Zuo Qiuyao was deeply moved, and while speaking, he nodded his head with approval.

As everyone talked, it was embarrassing for Fang Fan to float above the Tower of Light...

When I didn't understand anything, I was better to say something, but now that I understand everything, it's really not easy to arrange.

Fang Fan opened his mouth and said, "Ah...Vice Palace Master..."

"To shut up!"

Xue Wanren stared at him directly, and now the energy inside hasn't passed!

Now he felt uncomfortable in his heart!

How can it be like this!

Isn't this a bullshit?

The brain seeds were buzzing, and they couldn't say anything.

The little cabbage he has raised for so many years is just so...

Old and uncomfortable.


"Can't you call the Deputy Palace Master?"

"Then... Father-in-law?"

Fang Fan asked cautiously.

Xue Wanren: "..."

This wave almost didn't send him away directly...

Does anyone talk like that?

This crouching crouching, almost angered him to death!

"Your kid... you haven't been at ease!"

"I found that since I met you, there is nothing good!"

"As long as something goes wrong in the school, there must be you!"

"Why can you cause trouble like this!"

Xue Wanren didn't hit the spot, and while talking, he immediately rolled his eyes, and now these words broke out completely anyway!

This gesture and expression are very real!

"I didn't mean it..."

"It's not that the thunder robbery of the sanctuary was suddenly called. Who knew that the top of the tower of light was so fragile. It's nothing! The top of the tower is gone, and the defense measures are too bad!"

"Father-in-law...Vice Palace Master, this quality still needs to be matched, we can't save this star core!"

Fang Fan exhorted to the side with bitterness.

What he said is definitely the truth!

Speaking the truth, my heart brightened.

"Poor quality?"

"The defense measures are too bad?"

"Just the hardness of the top of the tower of light can completely resist the bombardment of ordinary semi-god masters!"

"Why is something so unusable in your hand?"

"Want to shake the pot? Can it be shaken?"

"You hurry up, quickly solve this thunder group..."

"How come this Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation related to you is so weird...The strength of this thunder group is far beyond the Demigod..."

"Quickly leave here and move this thunder group, otherwise the Bright Academy will be destroyed!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, glanced at the thunder group frantically gathering in the sky with a black face. He was really angry at this moment and couldn't tell!

Immediately this expression and posture also changed suddenly.

"Um... well, right now..."

"Then father-in-law... Deputy Palace Master, what should I call you..."

Fang Fan said with a look of embarrassment, this is too difficult!

"What do you call?"

"Quickly leave!"

"I have a headache when I see you now!"

Xue Wanren's face was black, almost not getting angry.

Little padded jacket, nothing...

Little cabbage, nothing more...

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