
"It's better to call the father-in-law..."

"Then I will go first."

Fang Fan took a step forward subconsciously, his right hand was still holding Xiangfei's waist...

"Let go of my daughter!"

"No more hands and feet in front of me in the future!"

Xue Wanren gritted his teeth while talking, the movements and gestures of this inhalation and breathing were vivid and vivid.

Anyway, it's just completely out of breath.

Fang Fan shrugged, then looked at Concubine Xiang...

"I'll go to cross the robbery first..."

"Waiting for me here..."

"Be good."

Fang Fan smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and nodded the nose of Xiangfei, then left...

Concubine Xiang's complexion turned red, and then she couldn't help showing a worried look on her face.

Seeing Fang Fan's figure gradually moving away, the anxiety in his eyes became even stronger.

"Father, Fang Fan will be fine, right?"

"Look at that thunder group, it's so scary..."

"Father, didn't you just say that the power of this thunder group surpassed the demigod level? Then...Will Fang Fan be...will it be suppressed by this thunder group..."

"Father, go and help Fang Fan, OK!"

Concubine Xiang blinked and looked at Xue Wanren, while she was talking, then she started acting coquettishly.

Xue Wanren's mood just calmed down, this time it broke out again...

What the hell... This is too annoying!

He can't stand this grievance!

Now it's over with the grievance...

"This thunder group beyond the demigod level, I must be dead when I go up!"

"How long have you known this bastard, regardless of whether your father is alive?"

Xue Wanren took a deep breath, twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help showing a nervous look on his face as he spoke.

There are still many complicated emotions in this heart.

"Father! How can it be!"

"I'm not thinking about your daddy, your realm is high and powerful!"

"Fang Fan is not yet in the Sanctuary Realm, I'm afraid..."

"If you can't bear this thunderball, isn't Fang Fan too dangerous..."

Concubine Xiang thought this way, and the nervous expression on her face grew more and more.

"Don't think about these things..."

"I believe that other people will be directly destroyed on the spot, but this kid is a scourge for ten thousand years, and it is absolutely impossible for something to happen!"

"Anyway, when the people around him and Zhan Chong crossed the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation, they all looked like this..."

"But in the end nothing happened!"

"This kid is measured, otherwise it won't be so easy!"

"Don't worry about following here!"

"With this time, why not worry about yourself!"

"Give me a good explanation of how you got involved with this bastard?"

"I remember when I saw this **** before, there was a female student by my side..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, couldn't help but frown as he spoke.

This is related to his daughter's affairs, he naturally has to pay attention to all aspects, and all aspects need to be followed.

"Which one are you talking about?"

"Is it Liuli? Or who?"

Concubine Xiang blinked and asked sincerely.

"How many more?"

"Is this **** playing with your feelings?"

"Is he deceiving you?"

"You tell Dad, when he comes back from the robbery, Dad will abolish him!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, did not fight with anger, and then gritted his teeth while talking.

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