For his little padded jacket, this wave of Xue Wanren gave up.

"Father, I pursued him!"

"I don't care about this! He is really charming, and others are very good!"

"Anyway...I just like him anyway!"

"If you abolish him, I won't live anymore!"

Concubine Xiang held her head up and said straightly and confidently.

Xue Wanren opened his mouth, now he doesn't know what to say...

This is really a waste...

This daughter got in!

Xue Wanren was deeply moved, thinking like this in his heart, his expression became unnatural.

"Even so, I will teach this kid a lesson when I look back!"

"Anyway, you have to let me out first!"

Xue Wanren shook his fists and said with a proud face.



Sounds of bombing gathered again, and the scene was shocking!

Lei Tuan was taken directly by Fang Fan to the place of the tribulation of Guangming Academy...

Fang Fan thought, it could be a little more open here...

At this moment, the students and instructors who originally surrounded the Tower of Light also flocked to the place of the academy...

At this moment, Xue Wanren saw Fang Fan staying in the place where he had crossed the Tribulation, his eyes widened, and a smoke rushed towards him.

"Boy! Hurry...retreat..."

"The facilities in this tribulation land have been destroyed by you once before. This new facility has just been installed. You are giving me a lot of trouble again, it is a big loss!"

Xue Wanren shouted from the air.

"My father-in-law, it's too late for me..."

"This Thunder has landed on its own..."

Fang Fan shrugged and said innocently.

The power of this wave of thunder landed, and the surrounding area suddenly disappeared!

Destroy the ancients, kill everything...

If it is unprepared, it will be cold in this minute...

"Fortunately, I prepared a Saint-level Thunder Tribulation Waiver Card early..."

"At the critical moment, you still have to rely on cards to save your life!"

Fang Fan exhaled, thinking to himself, his eyes couldn't help but deflect in other directions...

As the sky thunder fell down, Fang Fan's Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation Waiver Card also began to scatter a ray of light...

When the sky thunder with a radius of one hundred meters fell, the power inspired by the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation Waiver Card to fight against it, immediately disappeared...

Everything shows the most authentic appearance!

Fang Fan silently nodded, then exhaled silently...

The sky thunder with a radius of one hundred meters was about to bombard everyone in Fang Fan, instantly bottomed out and bounced back and disappeared into the endless void...

Come fast, go fast...

It looked scary, but the other side did not cause any harm.

"Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation Waiver Card...This thing is really good..."

"It's just that the price is too expensive, and it is often a tens of billions of low-grade star cores!"

Fang Fan had a deep feeling, and immediately followed Tucao on the side. This feeling naturally still exists.

"I don't know what level I can be promoted to this time..."

"The three previous **** pets and Xiao Liuli experienced this kind of special thunder robbery in the sanctuary..."

"The three great gods have been directly promoted from the absolute quasi-sacred realm to the six-star early stage holy realm..."

"Xiao Liuli was almost promoted from the ultimate quasi-sage to the five-star early stage sanctuary..."

"My aptitude, even if it can't be compared to God's favor, should be similar to Xiao Liuli?"

"It's almost enough to mix in a five-star sanctuary, and the requirements are not high..."

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