Fang Fan looked at Murong Yu, and Concubine Xiang also got out of Fang Fan’s arms...

This has to be said to be really embarrassing.

What to say and not to say at the moment, it seems that it is not very good.

Especially Xiang Fei, whose head is lowered into the dust, she always feels a bit sorry for her master.


Concubine Xiang said cautiously, feeling ashamed.

"What is this!"

"I haven't seen the master for a few days, why did you get a chance?"

"Go on!"


"Little Xiangfei, I know it has nothing to do with you!"

"It's all this little bastard's work!"

Murong Yu was talking, and immediately stared at Fang Fan's position...

Anyway, now anyway, Fang Fan is determined to be the culprit.

Murong Yu said this, and the movement of his hands followed closely. Fang Fan felt a tremor in his waist inexplicably. At this moment, Murong Yu had pinched the soft flesh of his waist, and the screaming expression showed The ground is very real.



Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, and immediately followed him to the side.

"I know it hurts!"

"Then why don't you have a heart!"

"Look at how little Xiangfei has been tossed by you!"

"In the future, if you dare to bully my Xiangfei casually, I can't spare you!"

Murong Yu gritted his teeth, and said something like this, Yinya immediately clenched his teeth, his expression also looked very maverick...

The expression in this posture looked a little different.

Fang Fan sighed silently, his eyes scanned the surroundings.

"With you there, do I dare?"

"Are you waiting outside in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, it's okay..."

"What happened to me in the past two days... isn't it mainly for cultivation!"

"If it hadn't been for these two days of arduous cultivation, we wouldn't be able to attract the Thunder Tribulation of the Sanctuary in such a short period of time, and be promoted successfully!"

Fang Fan held his head high, this gesture was so expressive.

Anyway, it looks like this now, in all aspects, that is very real.

"This Fang Fan boy is starting to fool again..."

"This guy doesn't blush when lying!"

"How can this be more confident than I am!"

"Good guy, how dare you!"

"I want to expose his shameless face!"

Bai Piao stared at the side, then gritted his teeth without anger.

"Brother Bai Piao, don't toss...this is the charm of Brother Fang Fan. There is a high probability that you will be stunned when you go up, so stand aside and be safe!"

"This is someone's business..."

"Brother Fang Fan's method is really clever!"

"With a few words, you can stabilize your home!"

Zuo Qiuyao's expression on his face was full of appreciation. At this moment, he said something like this, and then nodded, the expression on his face seemed very real, and the excitement in his eyes was beyond words...

Probably this expression and posture.

"Really! Brother Fang Fan is our role model!"

"It's not just about training and fighting to learn, it's even more so in these areas!"

"Anyway, I admire it in my heart! Admire it very much!"

"There are advantages everywhere! This can make everything so perfect! There really are such perfect people in the world! It's shocking!"

Gui Sha had a deep feeling, and while talking, he nodded again and again. Without saying anything else, his posture was very real.

Anyway, all these feelings of admiration are spinning in my head, that's how it is.

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