Bai Piao looked at this situation and it was not quite right...

There is a lot of gap between this and what he expected!

What the **** is going on...

There are waves, how can it be done?

How come you have become a super fanboy?

This is far from the established expected plan.

Bai Piao grumbled, and the thoughts in his mind at this moment have completely frozen.

"Why are you bought like this?"

"Any bottom line?"

"This behavior of Fang Fan is deceit! Shameless! Obscene! Humble! Humble!"

Bai Piao grumbled and followed Tucao, looking like she was really excited.

Gui Sha and Zuo Qiu Yao looked at each other and smiled, and they all understood what was going on.

"Brother Bai Piao, this should be a low-key, low-key, there is no need to be so jealous!"

"Jealousy is the original sin, but you must hold onto it!"

"That's right, Brother Bai Piao, you have to know a little bit in your heart, and you can't be careless about this matter!"

"Is there something to say? I missed Jingzhou to the effect!"

"It's easy to go wrong with this carelessness!"

Gui Sha and Zuo Qiuyao will be speechless as you say a word to me.

That's it? That's it?

Can this work?

Isn't it bad to save him some face?

Does he want face?

Having said that, isn't this just slapping your face?

Why is the rhythm of this face beating so strong...

"You guys, what are you mumbling about!"

"Hurry up, do you understand the matter?"

"If you understand, follow me quickly!"

Fang Fan raised his head and glanced at these few living treasures, and then spit out.

Fang Fan was talking, and immediately took the lead in preparing to evacuate.

What's all this is done, none of them are reliable at all!


"You have several freshmen, and there are some things you need to tell you..."

"The exchange competition between the universities will start soon, do you know?"

Murong Yu groaned and said immediately.

Fang Fan blinked, really didn't know...

What the **** is this.

"Exchange game?"

"Teacher Murong, isn't it right? It's been less than a hundred years since the last academic exchange competition. This... why is this going to be held again? Normally, isn't it held once every thousand years?"

Zuo Qiu Yao was stunned for a moment, and then followed.

"This time is different..."

"I will tell you clearly..."

"Now I have discovered the resources of God's Land in the area where Yuanshi Academy is located..."

"You should know what this sacred land resource represents!"

Murong Yu spoke decently, and his expression became solemn.

"represents what?"

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, and then asked sincerely.

In all aspects, he really doesn't know what this is...

From this point of view, he did not quite understand what it was...

"You...are you mad at me on purpose!"

Murong Yu gritted his silver teeth and said angrily.

"Where does this start? I have indeed heard of this kind of sacred land resource for the first time."

Fang Fan sighed, then said helplessly.

"Divine Land is the soil of God Realm..."

"This shows that that place was once the location of God's Domain, and I don't know why it fell..."

"But even in the fallen gods' realm, the soil is full of various gods!"

"Planting the elixir seeds in the sacred soil can speed up growth and improve quality!"

"If a cultivator can practice on the Divine Land, it will not only speed up the cultivation speed, but also comprehend some divinities, which will help break the mirror and ascend to the Divine Realm!"

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