Zuo Qiuyao thought in his heart, and then he couldn't help but focus on Fang Fan. At this moment, the expression on his face also changed a little...

He was a little curious, where did Fang Fan get such confidence...

Is it overconfident?

If this thing cannot be done at that time, relying on the attitude of the deputy palace master, can this be let go?

Will we have to follow along?

"Brother Fang Fan, are you sure you can handle these people?"

"Otherwise, before the matter was so violent and stiff, what did you admit to the Vice-Palace Master's mistake? Maybe this thing just passed..."

Zuo Qiuyao nodded, thinking this is the best solution right now.

"It's not necessary..."

"Since I have said that, I am naturally confident that I can completely solve the current situation..."

"Actually, you have been thinking about what will happen to Bai Piao if he loses the match, but have you ever thought about it, there are actually many uncertain factors..."

"What if Bai Piao wins by his own means?"

Fang Fan shrugged, then said with a smile.


"Brother Fang Fan, I don't understand this again. Didn't you say that Brother Bai Piao is the fifth scum of Zhan Zhan? Could it be that you deliberately said that because of the purpose of pitting the deputy chief?"

"Brother Fang Fan, you are too courageous!"

"Even the deputy palace master dare to pit..."

Zuo Qiuyao was completely stunned as he spoke...

While speaking, the lips followed unnaturally, and the gesture of inhaling cold breath showed vividly!

Not to mention anything else, it is this posture that is particularly true!

"It's not a question of pitting or not..."

"In fact, Bai Piao is indeed the fifth scum of Zhan, I'm not lying!"

"But don't you know Bai Piao? If it's really a dead end, do you think he will rush forward so arrogantly?"

"Wait and see, this guy must have already figured it out! Now I am waiting to get someone off!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, he was quite clear about Bai Piao's disposition.

"It turns out that Brother Fang Fan has long been in charge of the universe..."

"It's really extraordinary!"

"If this is the case, naturally there will be no problem..."

"Although you quarrel the most on weekdays, you know each other the most!"

"What is this called? Love and kill each other?"

Zuo Qiu Yao was talking, and then he followed the judgment.

Fang Fan's face turned black...

What is this talking about...

How come out even killing each other!

But now Fang Fan can't care about this anymore, his gaze is directly turned to the high platform aside, at this moment Bai Piao and his opponents are already on stage...


"We don't bully you, we come one by one, ending one game and proceeding to the next one! Give you ten minutes of rest between each game! Is this enough?"

On the high platform, a first-year student of the two-star pinnacle sanctuary said excitedly, his name is Qu Hua, he is only a thin line away from joining the first-year seed class!

The bottom-line criterion for joining the first-grade seed class is that the cultivation base is not lower than the three-star sanctuary!

And he happened to be the two-star pinnacle sanctuary realm!

Just so close!

If there is no feeling in the heart, it must be false. At this moment, the heart is like a sword and axe hacked by a sword, it is too heart-burning!

He finally found a shortcut to the back door, and he would not let it go!

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