In fact, most of the first-year students on the high platform have the same mindset as Qu Hua...

I thought so in my heart, the excitement on his face was undoubtedly revealed!

Needless to say other things naturally!

This is the attitude at the moment anyway!

Each surrounds the Bai Piao, as if to fight the Bai Piao wheel to the end!

Bai Piao waved his big hand, and then tossed his tangled hair with a sullen expression on his face.

"Just you?"

"Also worthy of me to shoot?"

"A bunch of scum..."

"Really, I really don't want to hurt your self-esteem..."

"It's too cheap to do it with you!"

"You can't even fight the little pony Fang Fan under my hand. Where is the confidence to fight me?"

"One to one? One hundred to one is also a spike..."

"I know why Vice Palace Master Xue Wanren has to walk through the back door for me? I really thought it was the back door? He begged me to join the first grade seed class!"

"Why doesn't he know? Just thinking about letting me participate in the exchange match when that time comes, and then I will return after winning..."

"If it weren't for Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren begging me to let me join the seed class, do you think I would care about this?"

"Forget it, I don't know how to tell you so much. Look at your indignation, are you still very unconvinced? It's really...convinced! What is so unconvincing? No points?"

"Today I will give you a chance..."

"If I don't take action, I will stand here and let you attack for ten minutes at will. If any of you can hurt me, even if you win, okay?"

"Hey... I'm really afraid that once I do it, you will be cold..."

"Give you a chance to perform, grasp it!"

Bai Piao was talking, and immediately filled the hatred value!

The gaze of the audience instantly condensed on him, and the scene once became extremely bursting!

It's too special to install!

Is this going to be an enemy of the whole school?

In order to advertise himself, he even linked Fang Fan and Xue Wanren...

What Fangfan is his little pony? Xue Wanren cried and begged him to join the seed class...

This pretend, it exploded extremely!

Quite a surging feeling!

"I have an urge to hammer this guy to death..."

Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with emotion.

"Add me, let's beat him together!"

Xue Wanren's face was dark, and while talking, the gesture of gnashing his teeth showed vividly!

You should know that Xue Wanren, as the deputy palace chief, actually has a good cultivation in all aspects, and at this time he can't help it.

"What is the purpose of Brother Bai Piao doing this... Isn't this attracting the hatred of all the students on the high platform? Does he think that being beaten up later is not bad enough?"

Gui Sha took a deep breath, and while talking, he said with emotion from the side that now only this explanation can explain something!

"Um... I didn't understand... If you say Brother Bai Piao is a ghost in the ordinary days, it shouldn't be like this..."

"This...this doesn't look like it..."

"Could it be that what is being stimulated? Can't think of it for a while?"

Zuo Qiu Yao blinked, and then followed the speculation.

The situation in this area seems a bit unusual...

Fang Fan was silent on the spot, the expression on his face suddenly changed...

Some things are slowly showing their truest appearance...

Is Bai Piao silly? To say that he is stupid is often deceived by him for thousands of years...

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