As Zhao Wei was talking, he immediately followed by on the sidelines, and the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more.

Needless to say other things for the time being, this posture is vivid and vivid!

Anyway, it's probably what it means.

In terms of mentality, it basically followed the crowd...

"Invest in..."

"Boy Zhao Wei, many Fangfan boys are you going to vote to win?"

"My're not going to smash me, right?"

Bai Piao's eyes rolled, and then he said nervously. While talking, he immediately licked his lips subconsciously, his breathing became extremely rapid invisibly.

That's probably the attitude shown.

True and clear...


"Not much..."

"My dad said that the first time I played investment, I couldn't play too much, so he gave me one hundred thousand, and I was going to put out three to five thousand shots."

Zhao Wei nodded, then said with a smile.

"Thirty to fifty thousand?"

"Three to fifty thousand low-grade star cores? Or three to fifty thousand medium-grade star cores?"

"It's nothing..."


"Really, scared me!"

Bai Piao rolled his eyes, then said with a curled mouth.

"It's a high-grade star core..."

Zhao Wei secretly poked another sentence.

Bai Piao: "..."

After all, his pattern is too small.

Is there a good old man so cool...

At every turn, it is 100,000 high-grade star cores to invest in an experiment. A bet is three to fifty thousand high-grade star cores. When converted into low-grade star cores, three to five trillion yuan...

For these students in Guangming Academy, the maximum bet that can be provided is hundreds of billions of low-grade star cores...

If Zhao Wei smashed a three-to-five trillion star core into the gambling market at once, wouldn't the gambling market be opened?

Wouldn't it be time to pay for it?

Bai Piao's face completely darkened, I was so difficult...

"Boy Zhao Wei, you still don't bet, betting is risky, you need to be cautious when you enter the trade!"

"Besides, what's wrong with you at a young age? Do you have to do this?"

"Do you think it's really good for you to be like this?"

"At the best age, you must be steady, don't you know?"

"Don't do these fancy things!"


"Faithful words against ears are good for doing..."

"The existence of gambling is a malignant tumor! This is not the right way at all!"

"You said that your family has such a big business, why do you need to study this cancer?"

"It's easy to get in, but it's hard to get out!"

"So the best way to stop it is not to come in!"

"I'm all for your own good! You must understand!"

"Even if it's your dad, that definitely doesn't support blending into the gambling market..."

"Your father gave you one hundred thousand high-grade star cores, and that is what hopes you will go the right way. You must not let down your father's hope!"

"You must be clear about these things, and absolutely must not slack in the slightest!"


As Bai Piao was talking, he nodded and bowed quickly, saying that it really seemed like that...

In fact, it was mainly because he was afraid that once Zhao Wei entered the venue, his plan for the plate of leeks would be ruined...

With his small size, how can Zhao Wei compete with the second generation of big capital!

Moreover, this guy believed that Fang Fan would definitely win, and Bai Piao couldn't even cut the leeks even if he wanted to.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Wei is actually the most uncertain factor.

Bai Piao's careful thoughts were still relatively real.

All aspects are the true feelings in my heart!

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