Fang Fan wanted to laugh when he watched from the sidelines...

Bai Piao can also meet his opponent.

I often walk on the shore, how can I not get wet shoes?

"Zhao Wei, if you want to bet, just bet whatever you want..."

"Play as you want..."

"If you want to bet whoever wins, bet whoever wins, don't worry too much about the others!"

"Although gambling is not a good thing, it's not bad to entertain, just don't get addicted."

Fang Fan shrugged, then followed.

"Hmm! I listen to the boss!"

Zhao Wei's eyes lit up, and he nodded and said.

Now Fang Fan absolutely has a very high status in his mind.

Zhao Wei is now Fang Fan's most loyal little fan...

What Fang Fan said, that's all right.

Bai Piao instantly turned into a bitter melon face...


"I just want to cut some leeks, what is this..."


"This is to uproot me!"

"Boy Fang Fan, you are cruel!"

"Big deal, I won't open a bet!"

"It's a pity those green leeks..."

Bai Piao gritted his teeth, while speaking, he said to the side with sentimentality.

"In fact, most of the students of Guangming Academy are ordinary people..."

"It's not easy for them to accumulate some star cores. Do you still want to squeeze all the star cores out of them?"

"Last time you had done a gambling in the arena of the Tiandao Society, a wave had already been harvested at that time, and the institution of higher learning had already noticed you."

"It's just that the amount was not very large at that time, so there was no control over you..."

"But if you continue to do this kind of thing, it will be harmful to the entire Guangming Academy. At that time, the Law Enforcement Hall will invite you to have tea!"

Fang Fan shrugged, then reminded him from the side.

Although most of them are speculations, they are almost the same in general.

In this matter, naturally you need to be a little safer.


"Still like this?"

"I haven't noticed before..."

"This is too much, I will do something on my own, what's wrong?"

"Is there any opinion on this?"

"Let me say that these college rules are too obscure, and they should all be abolished sooner or later!"

Bai Piao nodded secretly, and while talking, the sincere smile on his face grew more and more.

From his perspective, that's how it should be done!

This is so real!

"This is an academy after all..."

"It's a place for cultivation and learning, so there must always be some rules and regulations."

"Besides, like this kind of small market, do you want to reap too?"

"Your format, just that big?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, and the corners of his mouth rose silently as he spoke.

Bai Piao is not stupid, he can hear the illocutionary meaning in Fang Fan's words in an instant, and he immediately shines in front of him...

This is an opportunity! All opportunities to take off!

"Boy Fang Fan, what do you mean...Is there a better occasion for me to do a big job?"

"Boy Fang Fan, do you want to do it with me?"

"Boy Fang Fan, didn't you dismiss this kind of gambling before? Why do you have this attitude now!"

"Boy Fang Fan, tell me your big plan..."

Bai Piao nodded again and again, and the excitement on his face was beyond words. At this moment, his thoughts have taken off in an all-round way!

There is nothing better than a star core in this world...

Bai Piao has gradually become wealthy...

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