But speaking of it, women are indeed a disaster...

As soon as this wave was in place, a lot of things came up.

Basically, the ability to pull hatred is very strong.

At this moment, Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, looked a little cold, obviously not too cold with this pocky young man Xue Aotian.

I really don't know that the sky is thicker...

"In the future, please call my name or call me the president directly!"

"Our relationship is not yet familiar enough to be called a trumpet!"

Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, said with a cold face, and immediately followed.

This wave has basically demonstrated the attitude to the fullest.


"Sisi...not...President, I didn't mean that..."

"I just want to help you..."

"I am a Xuan-level student, and I can take part in the battle of a third-grade Xuan-level student, and I can challenge the fourth-grade heaven-level student of Tiandao Society as a brave Xuan-level student!"

"At that time, I will definitely be able to win two games for the Guangming Club!"

"President, you have to believe me!"

"This kind of freshman doesn't need to fawn at all! There is no such need!"

"At that time, I can also beat the audience in the fifth game of melee. By that time, relying on my strength, the Guangming Club will be able to win three games, with three wins in five games, and the Guangming Club will win!"

Horse-faced young man Xue Aotian was talking, and the arrogant color on his face grew more and more.

I don't know the others, but this bragging is indeed a set.

Boomboom, what I said really seemed like that, and with this feeling in place, it gradually became real.

"Ha ha……"

"Then just wait to see your record then."

Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, shrugged and left without saying much.

At this moment, Chu Sisi's attitude is not so bad, but it is not so good, anyway, it is rather indifferent.

The horse-faced young man Xue Aotian couldn't help gritting his teeth, a touch of hostility flashed in his eyes!


How dare to be so impatient with him? So disapproving?

This... how can this work!

This is obviously not putting him in the eye!

This Chu Sisi was very polite to himself before, after all, I hope he can help the Guangming Society win the fruits of victory!

But now after encountering the man in front of him, he has completely changed!


"It's clearly that I fell in love with that little white face!"

"Huh! So you want to kick me away?"


"When I beat this little white face to death in the arena, everything will remain mine!"

"It's mine! It's all mine!"

"It's mine no one can take away!"

"Chu Sisi! Sooner or later you will surrender to me!"

The young man with horse face Xue Aotian licked her lips, and at this moment, she began to conjecture in her heart...

He swallowed his saliva, and then dropped to the ground dribblingly...

Fang Fan and the others took a look and felt a little sick inexplicably.

What's wrong...

You want to say that your spitting teacher can understand, and drooling in this kind of situation without warning, this is a bit unreasonable, right?

"Is this a fool..."

"Boy Fang Fan, go quickly..."

Bai Piao shrank his neck, then cleared the way in front!

"The conditions I just mentioned, are you sure you don't think about it again?"

"As long as you quit this competition, the conditions are up to you!"

Fang Fan just entered the arena, and Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, didn't know when he wandered over.

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