Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2966: Bai Piao thief's heart is not dead

At every turn, he offered his own price.

Fang Fan also feels a headache...

Ah this...

Is this done?

This is really persevering!

The point is not that way, it's all about it, so I can talk about it with a hammer!

"I have no conditions..."

"It's purely here to help..."

Fang Fan shrugged and said honestly.

"Brother Fang Fan, you are finally here!"

In the distance, Zuo Qiu Yao rushed over excitedly.

After seeing the president of Guangming Society, Chu Sisi, also standing here, his face suddenly became cold.

He probably could hear some of the words that Chu Sisi said just now. At this moment, his eyes subconsciously scanned the surroundings, and the changes in his facial expressions were particularly real.

"President Chu, Brother Fang Fan is my brother!"

"It's not appropriate for you to dig the foot of the wall like this?"

"Furthermore, Brother Fang Fan joined our Tiandao Society from the very beginning..."

"Ha ha……"

"Some rules still have to be followed!"

"President Chu is still steady in this regard!"

"After all, there are people with identities in schools..."

"It wouldn't be too ugly for such a friendly match, right?"

Zuo Qiuyao's mouth was still very slippery. At this moment, while talking, his eyebrows were raised, and the changes in his facial expression were particularly real.

Needless to say other things for the time being, all aspects of the posture have been revealed at this moment, and that's probably what happened.

As for those who offend and don't offend people, Zuo Qiuyao really doesn't care about this...

Anyway, just go up and do it!

The president of Guangming Club, Chu Sisi, remained silent, and the charming smile on his face gradually faded at this moment.

Even if she was so nervous and said that, the feeling in her heart would definitely be different.

Furthermore, after all, she is the president of the Guangming Society, and after all, she and the Tiandao Society are in opposition to each other.

"Vice President Zuoqiu, don't worry about this!"

"The ending is undecided, I don't know what it will be like yet!"

"See the real chapter in the arena then!"

Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Club, gritted his teeth, and then murmured secretly from the side, the facial expressions changing particularly wonderfully.

Before Chu Sisi left, he took a deep look at Fang Fan, and it seemed that he still had some feeling and charm.

Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, then let out a suffocating breath in silence. This is difficult!


"Finally left!"

"I think she is plotting against you!"

Xiao Liuli gritted Xiaohu's teeth and said excitedly.

Fang Fan shrugged and glanced towards the inside of the arena, where a lot of people had already gathered.

After all, the Guangming Society and the Tiandao Society are the two major societies of the Guangming Academy. Not to mention how many members there are, even those who watch the excitement have also smashed this arena!

In fact, there are not many entertainment activities in the Guangming Academy. Whenever there is an opportunity, I actually want to seize the opportunity and watch the excitement. It is probably such a pure mentality.

Real and clear.

"Boy Fang Fan..."

"There are really a lot of people here..."

"Such a good opportunity, you must not miss it!"

"If this is missed, wouldn't it be a pity..."

"Boy Fang Fan, or open a gambling market, you tell Zhao Wei that kid not to get involved..."

"Ah... we just divide the spoils... No... it's the split!"

"Don't worry, you will never treat you badly..."

Bai Piao couldn't help looking at the green leeks around him.

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