Great leek, just let it go, what a pity!

Bai Piao licked his lips, his eyes rolled around, and the sound of his inhalation became extremely rapid invisibly.

"You are completely lost in the eyes of the money now, you can't get it."

"Is it not clear what I told you before?"

"There are the rules of the Guangming Academy in the Guangming Academy..."

"Once you violate this rule, something will happen..."

"You should be very clear about what it will become at that time."

"At that time, it won't be a sentence or two to make it clear..."

"At that time, if Xue Wanren's deputy mansion mainly wants to beat you, don't find me."

Fang Fan shrugged and started to shake the pot directly.

"Hey Hey……"

"This is nothing!"

"Just based on your relationship with the Deputy Palace Chief, what can he do?"

"The deputy palace lord is your father-in-law, and I am your brother. That is also half of my father-in-law..."

"Well! It looks like this! I will definitely open one eye and close one eye..."

"Besides, I haven't done anything illegal or criminal. I am all within my jurisdiction..."

"What do I want to do in this situation, isn't it normal?"

"What does this have to do with?"

"As long as the deputy palace lord does not target me, just deal with it impartially!"

Bai Piao nodded, and said with deep conviction.

Anyway, he felt that what he said made sense, and he had already hinted at it in his heart.

Facing a crazy gambling dog, saying a thousand words and ten thousand is nothing...

Can't extricate itself already in it!

There is only so little things in my heart.

Fang Fan didn't say much, and immediately came to the front, ready to fight...

From Fang Fan’s point of view, if you want a quick battle, let this battle end soon...

"Brother Fang Fan, this is a first-year student vs. a first-year student. You must play this game..."

"After you win this game, you can continue to stand in the arena and wait for the opponent's second-grade profound level students to appear..."

"Brother Fang Fan, according to my estimation of you, it is not a problem to win these games in a row..."

"Brother Fang Fan, you rely on you for everything!"

"Brother Fang Fan, good brother..."

Zuo Qiuyao muttered to himself, while talking, he immediately nodded and bowed to the side, the excitement on his face was overflowing with words, and the facial expression changed to be particularly real.

Needless to say the rest for the time being, there are naturally those changes in the mentality at this moment.

Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi silently found a seat to the side to watch the game.

As for Zhao Wei, walking around with his hands behind his back, he seems to have some special thoughts.

Not to mention that fellow Bai Piao, he has already ran to prepare for the opening.

And because he was afraid that Zhao Wei would bet too much to break the game, he simply pulled Zhao Wei and did it together.

"Brother Zhao Wei, I am absolutely sincere..."


"Cough cough cough..."

"My sincerity is absolutely full. You don't need to spend a star core, you just need to put a name on it and be my partner!"

"Looking back, I will divide you profit! How about?"

"You don't have to pay anything, you can do anything..."

Bai Piao looked at Zhao Wei hopefully, and then showed full sincerity.

Join if you can't beat...

This is Bai Piao's philosophy.

Competing with Zhao Wei for wealth, Bai Piao hasn't been so drifting yet.

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