Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2968: As long as you can’t kill, you’ll fight to death

"I need to ask my boss..."

"I will do what the boss asks me to do."

Zhao Wei blinked and said honestly.

Bai Piao let out a foul breath and continued to say: "Don't worry, I have arranged everything for your boss. How about I also get 20% of the past profits for him when I look back?"

"You don't have to do anything, I will open the market, I will be responsible for any costs!"

Once Bai Piao's gambling addiction comes on, let alone the nine cows, even the nine dragons will not be able to pull it back.

Anyway, it's probably in such a shape at this moment!

Pure and true.

"Is this... not so good?"

"Ah this..."

"I always feel that there is... a bit tricky..."

"Ah this..."

"Furthermore, my boss's share is actually less than mine? Is this reasonable?"

Zhao Wei asked rhetorically with a dull look.

Bai Piao: "..."

Is this guy pretending to be cute or really cute...

This bargaining power is very strong...

"Then...that is 30% for Fang Fan?"

Bai Piao feels quite a pain...

After such a point, he is only 40% left...

"My boss does not have as much share as yours?"

Zhao Wei said again.

There are more black lines on Bai Piao's forehead!

This is against him deliberately!

Can you stop him like that!

He is so difficult, okay!

In the end, it was decided to give Fang Fan 40%, and Bai Piao and Zhao Wei to give 30% profit...

But it was rejected by Fang Fan...

He said that he would not confuse the betting this time.

Betting is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the trade.

At this moment, Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, and Zuo Qiuyao, the vice-president of the Tiandao Society, stood on the arena at the same time.

They are naturally not going to fight, the main thing is to announce the official start of this friendly match.

"The rules of the friendly match are actually very simple. If you click through to the end, you still have to put friendship first!"

"Friendship first, competition second! This principle cannot be ignored!"

"The main purpose of hosting a friendly match is to draw closer the intimacy between our two communities, not just for pure competition!"

"When you start, keep as much as possible and don't slack off easily!"


Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Club, followed with a smile, and the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more as he spoke.

Needless to say other things for the time being, the posture at this moment has been revealed invisibly.

Anyway, they are all official rhetoric...

No matter how good these words are, they are actually useless. The key is how to do it next to be true!

Talking nonsense, in exchange for it is continual nonsense...

Boom boom boom till the end, it will only make myself deep in it...

It's so real!

"What President Chu said is all official words..."

"I say a few words here, the best rules in the arena is no rules!"

"As long as you are in the arena, no matter what means you use, as long as you can win the final victory!"

"As for the other things, don't care!"

"Even if you crippled your opponent to death, I don't blame you! If the college blames you, I will give you Zuo Qiuyao!"

"Of course, if you say surrender, you won't be able to attack after three seconds."

"In other words, if you really look at what he doesn't say, even if he has already said and surrendered, you can still choose to continue attacking within three seconds!"

"As long as you can't kill, you'll fight to death!"

"This is the spirit of the warrior!"

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