Some legends about Fang Fan have never been a secret.

As soon as the entrance hall, he killed a 6-star celestial student of the Sanctuary Realm in the arena!

After that, they created legends again and again. In the trial of the first-grade seed class, even the saints of the dark camp were killed.

Although these are all secrets, there are some things that cannot be concealed.

At that time, so many people present saw it, how could these rumors be blocked?


"It's a pity that he refused to come to my Guangming Club..."

"The conditions are all set by him, but it still doesn't work..."


"Tu Hu Naihe!"

"Really... I don't know what to say."

Chu Sisi wriggled his lips, thinking to himself, frowning involuntarily...

At the same time she subconsciously stretched out her hand to stroke her cheek...

"At the time, I was already so obvious by implication, he was still indifferent..."

"Is my market so bad now? He doesn't care about me at all?"

"This... shouldn't be!"


"Really... can't figure it out!"

Chu Sisi frowned silently, thinking to himself, and then shook his head slightly.

There are a lot of things stuck in my mind and I can’t say it. Anyway, there is a sense of awkwardness that I can’t say...

I really don't know what to say.

The mentality is often unstretched, so what is it?

How can I follow the conversation?

Chu Sisi used her right hand to line her chin, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but stare at where Fang Fan was. She didn't know what kind of messy thoughts she was in her heart at this time.

It always feels amazing.

Wonderful feelings, fantastic ideas.


The place where the practitioners of Tiandao Society are located.

At this moment, Zuo Qiu Yao, who is the vice president of Tiandao Society, nodded repeatedly...

"Tsk tusk tusk... My brother Fang Fan is really extraordinary!"

"I didn't do anything after I went on the court, and I won two games with momentum!"


"Brother Fang Fan is just freshman, and the entrance hall seems to have nothing to do for half a year..."

"Why is the gap between people so big!"

"Fortunately, Brother Fang Fan is on my side, otherwise it would be too late to vomit blood..."

"It is my fortunate to be able to get to know Brother Fang Fan!"

Zuo Qiuyao's eyeballs followed, thinking to himself, and then he followed up with a full spit.

Needless to say the rest for the time being, that's how I thought about it in my heart anyway.

Real, yet clear.

It's that kind of feeling anyway.

When it's in place, it's almost there.

"Fortunately, a hammer..."

"It's just that he came on the court, which caused my bet to collapse."

"I just opened the market here, and the results came out over there."

"I just received a little bet, and they will immediately ask for it, saying that I cheated them."

"Heaven and Earth Conscience, I... I did think so in my heart, but haven't I yet put it into action? Can this be counted?"

"This is nothing!"

"Why did you fall to this point?"

"I can't figure it out!"

"It's clearly not the case..."

"too difficult!"

Bai Piao was deeply moved, this time he really had to lose his principal.

Because Fang Fan is too bad, all those green leeks are required to bet on Fang Fan...

It doesn't matter if Fang Fan's odds are very low.

Bai Piao was caught off guard, so he quickly closed the gambling market.

"Brother Zuoqiu, otherwise you can discuss with Fang Fan and let him lose a game..."

"In this way, we cooperate with each other and definitely take off!"

"Fang Fan's current popularity is enough!"

Bai Piao's eyes lit up, and he started thinking about crooked ideas again.

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