This guy has done everything to harvest leeks now.

This method is the same as those of capitalists, and it has completely fallen into the eyes of money.

A gentleman loves to get money in a proper way, and this omnipotent way is undesirable.

Something will happen sooner or later.

"Brother Bai Piao, do you think Brother Fang Fan will fight fake matches for this benefit?"

"Although the Fang Fan brothers are quite casual on weekdays, certain principles and bottom lines have always been adhered to by the Fang Fan brothers..."

"Brother Bai Piao, what you said is unrealistic..."

Zuo Qiuyao opened his mouth, and immediately followed in comfort.

This wave of Bai Piao just seems too airy...

It's such a gesture anyway.

"I mean..."

"Ah... I didn't say that it must be like this..."

"Stay steady, stay steady in your mind..."

"Hey... I also know Fang Fan's character..."

"It's uncomfortable to see star nuclei in front of you and not making money."

Bai Piao rubbed his hands with him, and his eyes rolled.

The thinking and ideas in all these aspects are too real.

These special and unique ideas are probably in the brain.

Real, yet clear, that's all.

"Then you want to continue this bet?"

"I have a hunch... Brother Fang Fan is going to win three consecutive championships..."

"According to the rules of the friendly match, there are three wins in five rounds. If Brother Fang Fan can win three consecutive championships from the start, then this match will be over..."


"I didn't expect that this time the victory would be so easy..."

"The preparations I have done before are not as good as Brother Fang Fan's come to shake the scene!"

Zuo Qiuyao raised his eyebrows, and then sighed deeply.

Needless to say other things for the time being, anyway, I have these pure and true thoughts in my heart at this moment.

"I want to open it, but don't you throw star cores into it when you open a bet?"


"These people are all excited about Fang Fan boy now, they all vote for Fang Fan boy, what can I do?"

"The most important factor why I dare to open a bet is that I know that Fang Fan will definitely win..."

"Based on this, we can win every battle..."

"But... but now everyone knows this secret, it's actually not a secret to a certain extent."

Zuo Qiuyao exhaled, and there were so many thoughts in his heart, he sighed, and he was deeply touched...

Bet is not easy to open!

too difficult!

"My first investment was lost?"

Zhao Wei walked over with his chubby body stumblingly, then his eyes widened, and he followed with emotion.

"You invested in a hammer..."

"I took all the advance payment..."

"You haven't seen this star core either!"

Bai Piao's face was black, and he murmured in dissatisfaction.

"Isn't this what you told me in the beginning? Just let me invest in my own technology..."

Zhao Wei blinked and said with a dull expression.

Then Zhao Wei sighed with emotion: "It seems that my father is right. It's really not that easy in this business field!"

"Investment needs to be cautious, there are risks in entering the bank..."

Zhao Wei stroked his hair, followed with emotion from the side, and then Zhao Wei focused his eyes on Fang Fan in the arena.

"It's better to stay with the boss..."

"No wonder the boss didn't accept the opening of a gambling with us at first, because the boss had the foresight and knew that he would definitely fail!"

"Tsk...the boss is the boss!"

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