Zhao Wei is now unconditionally praised by Fang Fan.

What the boss said is correct.

What is right is right, and what is wrong is also right.


In the arena, Fang Fan looked at Zu Fan, a second-year Xuan-level student from Guangming Society...

Speaking of it, this one is one grade higher than himself, so he really wants to be called, and he needs to be called a brother.

But seeing each other in the arena right now, why is it so embarrassing to look at it?

Chatting in the arena for ten minutes? Give up again?

This operation... is magical.

The key is now with big eyes and small eyes, what are you talking about? Have a chat about loneliness?

A glance at the past, in fact, that's the case, the rest of the things, invisibly followed by the silence of the moment, not to mention it at all.

It's good to be silent, and the rest, don't pull the bastard.

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, are you married yet?"

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, the sword in your hand looks extraordinary. What material is it made of?"

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, your aura is extraordinary. Could it be that you have eaten some treasures of heaven and earth?"

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, I think this dress on you is also quite unique..."


Zu Fan, a second-year student of the Guangming Club, began to chat awkwardly.

The first few sentences sounded like that, but the last sentence made my scalp numb...

What the **** is this?

This dress on me is a unique hammer! In academies, Fang Fan generally wears student uniforms issued by the academy.

In other words, Fang Fan was wearing the uniform of a first-year yellow student.

This can also be chic?

The awkward chat goes to the awkward chat, but don't talk too much.

After ten minutes had passed, Fang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and Zu Fan, a second-year Xuan-level student from the Guangming Society, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency Fang Fan, thank you..."

"Thank you for giving me ten minutes of gap time!"

"Now...I admit defeat!"

Zu Fan, a second-year Xuan-level student from Guangming Society, nodded quickly, and then dashed to the stage with a sincere smile on his face!

Anyway, this attitude is from beginning to end, pure and casual.

Although everyone expected that Zu Fan, a second-year Xuan-level student of the Guangming Society, would surrender, it had already caused quite a stir when he saw him jump off the arena so calmly.

This has been in two competitions, but now I have not even seen the slightest shadow of the sword.

Anyway, I saw loneliness from beginning to end...


What else to watch...

Just follow the cool...

That's it...

It's good to have a steady state of mind, and the rest is not the case at all.

"Developing in accordance with this trend, what's so special... What's so special, won't all three battles be the Guangming Society surrender?"

"According to the rule of three wins in five rounds, the battle will be over..."

"Ah this..."

"What happens next?"

"Are you looking at each other?"

"Hey... After seeing loneliness, can't the Guangming Society be tougher?"

"To the extreme!"

"There are a lot of bells and whistles."

"In the third session of the Guangming Society, you can exclude third-grade prefectural-level students..."


"Who will play this time?"

"It's coming out, look quickly, it seems to be... Xue Aotian!"

"It's him? It is said that this guy can be promoted to a heavenly-level student by his own strength. The next selection must be a heavenly-level student!"

"Hey! It's a bit worth seeing..."

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