"So, can it start?"

Fang Fan shrugged, his expression indifferent.

He still wants to end soon...

This exchange contest is also something unexpected.

Thinking about it this way, I really feel a headache...

According to the previous prediction, five games and three wins, it can almost follow the end.

Fang Fan has won two games before, and now there is only one last one left...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, thinking to himself, the light in his eyes grew more and more...


"Are you kidding me?"

"You still want to tell me to start?"

"I'll tell you the truth! The beginning is the end! You can weigh it yourself!"

"Hey...giving you life, you don't want to hold onto..."

"Really...is the new students so arrogant now?"

"What are you talking about?"

"To what extent is it going to be rampant?"


"As a senior, I don't want to take advantage of you. I will let you ten strokes first...Within ten strokes, you can attack casually. If I fight back, I will lose!"


"It's so rampant at a young age..."

"I really don't know who you are studying with?"

"Now I have to be severely beaten..."

"Your attack is pediatrics to me!"

Horse-faced young man Xue Aotian was talking, the arrogant color on his face was beyond words.

Anyway, this is the attitude expressed at this moment.

On the surface, it is still very real.

Needless to say, at least the attitude has been shown.

Fang Fan has seen too many pretends...

To some extent, Fang Fan has long been accustomed to...

Good guy, I don’t even know what I’m thinking in my head...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, then he didn't bother to continue talking nonsense, and directly attacked.

The cultivation level of the horse-faced youth in front of him is not low, and the six-star mid-sacred realm is already considered a leader among the third-grade pre-level students!

For example, Zuo Qiuyao is also a third-grade prefecture-level student of the academy, and he has only recently broken into the sixth-star sanctuary realm. However, it hasn’t been long since Zuo Qiuyao became a third-grade prefecture-level student, and this horse-faced youth Xue Aotian can’t Just put them together and compare them.

According to Fang Fan’s current combat power, the Six-Star Early Stage Sanctuary Realm can be slammed...

As for the six-star mid-sacred realm, it may take a lot of seriousness...

"Wild God Servant God-Share!"

Fang Fan secretly united in his heart, and then directly injected all the combat power of the three six-star early stage sanctuary **** pets into his body.

With the combat power blessings of three six-star early-stage sanctuary realm **** pets, Fang Fan at this moment will naturally have no problem fighting against ordinary six-star early-stage sanctuary realm cultivators!

And with the help of the power of the Heaven Slashing Sword, it is absolutely possible to be stronger...

After absorbing the power of the Scarlet Blood Thunder Copper before, the Heaven Slashing Sword has been promoted to a five-star sacred artifact! And because there are enough red blood thunder bronzes to cut the sky sword, the level of the five-star holy artifact has also been improved...

There is not much distance between the Heaven Slashing Sword and the Six-Star Saint Artifact now...

The Heaven Slashing Sword has a tool spirit bonus, and Fang Fan can be connected with each other, and the human sword is one, and the combat power is not the same!

For Fang Fan, the Heaven Slashing Sword at the level of the five-star sacred weapon is stronger than the average sacred weapon!


Fang Fan gave a secret cry, and immediately pierced the Heaven Slashing Sword in his hand, mixed with the momentum of thunder, as if to completely annihilate everything in front of him!

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