Unparalleled combat power!

The atmosphere around the arena suddenly became tense...

At this moment, those spectators in the arena don't want to vomit. At this moment, their eyes are full of spirits, and the excitement on their faces is beyond words.

This wave directly followed and took off in an all-round way!

The excitement is beyond words...

Finally...finally waited for the main show!

I can finally see them doing a good job!

Fighting each other here, the fighting power between each other is invisibly followed by a full-scale explosion!

When Fang Fan started to swing the Heaven Slashing Sword, Xue Aotian, the horse-faced young man, looked indifferent, and the arrogant color on his face was beyond words.

"The real bells and whistles..."

"Where can a freshman be tough?"

"I really don't know how the two idiots just gave in!"

"I suspect that those two wastes are spies sent by the Heavenly Dao Society!"


"A mere freshman, let alone let you attack casually within ten moves, even if I let you attack one hundred and one thousand moves, what can you do to me?"

"That's not the case at all!"

"It's like the tiger and the ant. It's not the same at all. The gap between them is still very big..."

"Tsk...tsk tsk...interesting, really interesting..."

Waves of noise followed, and the events on the scene were particularly true.

In fact, that's what happened...

The horse-faced youth Xue Aotian was really arrogant at first.

But gradually, the look on his face changed...

This is not right...

This so-called moth is coming out!


The mentality is exploded!

What the **** is going on?

"How could it be so strong!"


"This...this is not much worse than my attack power, even stronger..."

"This cannot be displayed by this freshman..."

"Is my eyes dazzled..."

"Call ... whistling call ...... certainly is my vertigo, and certainly is such a thing, or else ... or else impossible!"

The horse-faced young man Xue Aotian trembled with fright, then quickly backed up, and hurriedly withdrew the long sword from his waist...

I used to pretend to say that there is absolutely no possibility of resisting within ten strokes, otherwise it would be untrue to admit to these nonsense. If this is not resisted, the band will probably be beaten to death...

A glance at the past is really too dangerous.

A little carelessness, it may be cold...

Pit money...

The Heaven Slashing Sword in Fang Fan's hand collided with the long sword in the horse-faced youth Xue Aotian's hand, and then a bright spark flickered across the board, giving people a bright touch.

Following Fang Fan, he continued to stab forward, while the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian felt a tremor in his body inexplicably, and followed his body quickly to withdraw.


"Cough cough cough..."

The Ma Lian youth Xue Aotian's complexion began to change drastically, and he shrank his neck subconsciously, his face became more and more flushed, and his cough became a lot quicker.


"Cough...cough cough cough..."

The horse-faced young man Xue Aotian immediately followed the dumbfounded, his eyes shrank completely, and the whole person was completely ignorant.

Good guy...just call Naihe!

Is this a rhythm that is going against the sky?

This looks a bit wrong.

Looking at the situation, there are some problems.

At the moment, the audience was full of exclamations...

The sighs continued.

When the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian first came out, that Ao Jiao Si Se Jin was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, who would have thought that this was it for so long?

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