This is nothing!

It's not like that at all.

I glanced at the past and felt nothing.

On the contrary, it is ridiculous.

From a comprehensive point of view, it makes people laugh inexplicably.

"I thought the Guangming Club could send a little weight to fight it out. Now it seems that this wish cannot be achieved..."

"Hey, three wins in five rounds. If Fang Fan from Tiandao Society still wins this game, this so-called friendly match is over."

"Three to zero is straightforward. Is the gap between Tiandao Society and Guangming Society so big now?"

"The Guangming Club was lost to grandma's house this time!"

"Hahaha! That third-grade prefectural-level student Xue Aotian from the Guangming Society just pretended to force Fang Fan to make ten moves. Within ten moves, if he makes a shot, he will automatically admit defeat. Now, how could this picture be reversed? ?"

"There is a way of bragging and forcing, if you really let him go, you will directly persuade him."

"Hey! Isn't that what's the matter? I've seen it through now, tut... tut tut... tut grinning non-famously."

"The Guangming Club swollen her face this time..."



There are constant voices of heated discussions and endless spitting out.

The things on the scene are still very real.

At the place where the cultivator of the Guangming Society was located, the president of the Guangming Society, Chu Sisi, grabbed the handle made of Ironwood with both hands, and directly squeezed it to pieces.

So many people are complaining about them and belittling their Guangming Society. Can she feel better in her heart?

"No one is reliable..."

"This Xue Aotian was screaming before he even went on the court. If you really get it to the end, it's actually the same thing!"

"Fang Fan...Fang Fan...what kind of existence are you!"

"It's not that I have never seen Peerless Tianjiao, but you are the first one to be so enchanting..."

"It's been less than a year since I entered the Guangming Academy, and now my strength can be among the most popular ones. I am afraid that ordinary Tian-level students will bow their heads in front of you..."

"You fellow won't be able to become the Lord by the time you graduate, right?"


Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, took a deep breath, and thought to himself that the facial expressions were changing very quickly, and all the feelings in his heart had taken off in an all-round way at this moment.

When talking about this, Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, showed a look of loneliness again.

"When the major clubs began to recruit students, they lost to the Tiandao Society by a single move..."

"I knew that, I should have included you in the Guangming Society at all costs!"

"Even if it's tied up! You must be tied up!"

Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Club, rolled his eyes, and at this moment there was some bitterness in his heart inexplicably.

Thoughts gathered here, and then he shook his head in silence.

Unfortunately, all of this has become the past...

"From this perspective, this guy... is really... charming..."

"Maybe I will hear this name often in the future..."

"The next celestial sanctuary will be his era..."

"There has been such a monster in the bright camp, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing..."

Chu Sisi, the president of Guangming Club, muttered to herself, her beautiful eyes swiftly turning...

Others didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, but from the outside, the blush on President Chu Sisi's face became more.

The members of the Guangming Society only regarded as their presidents because they were frustrated by the defeated scene of the arena in front of them...

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