Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2985: have a bee in one's bonnet

"Naughty animal! Go to death!"

Zuo Qiuyao roared, and immediately followed the force to kill, but at this moment, the color of astonishment on his face increased more and more, and at this moment, he whispered softly, and the whole person was inexplicably caught in a wireless anxiety...

This is far from what he expected...too much!

Before Zuo Qiuyao could kill him, he was directly shocked by Xue Aotian's air waves...

Immediately, Zuo Qiu Yao's body moved like a kite with a broken line.

A glance at the past, this look is very weird...

At this moment, he glanced at it subconsciously, and his lips were squirming and pure.

This horse-faced young man Xue Aotian has already followed the sky, and can't beat it...

"My life is over..."


Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Club, glanced forward, and then wanted to flee towards the surrounding area, but the tearing sensation from all over her body made her slow...very slow...

Now Zuo Qiuyao hasn't stopped the demonized Xue Aotian even for an instant, it is conceivable that it is already cold...


At the moment when Chu Sisi felt desperate, a stalwart body stood in front of her, then lifted her up with one hand, and threw her out very far...

Chu Sisi's body fell on the ground in the distance, feeling the pain when his buttocks collided with the ground, and almost made Chu Sisi scream out.

At this moment, Chu Sisi's gaze scanned the surroundings, and the changes in his facial expressions were particularly real.

This is not right...

There is a problem...

What is this thinking?

How could it become like this.

"Who fell the old lady!"

Chu Sisi couldn't help but yelled at him, but after only this sentence, she woke up.

That person was saving himself...

Otherwise, I might be cold right now...

That person just now is so warm...

Although the technique is slightly rough, the feeling is too real.

Thinking about this, the whole person shuddered invisibly with a slight tremor.

"It's him……"

"Fang Fan..."

"Is he crazy?"

"This demonized Xue Aotian, even I am not the enemy of One He..."

"He rushed forward recklessly, isn't he killing himself?"

"What is he going to do!"

"This is too dangerous!"

"Does he not know the risk factor?"

"He is not a fool, he must know it, but he did it without hesitation and risked his life to save me. Why is this?"

"Could it be... Isn't he not ignorant of me, but some good feelings and affection can't be expressed?"

"He is...different to me..."

"I am not without charm..."

"Is he tempted?"

Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Club, rolled her eyes. At this moment, she felt that her mind was thinking about some messy things...

These messy things gathered in his mind, making him tremble invisibly.

It's weird and special, and I don't know what kind of sentiment it is.

It seems that there is still a sense of expectation in my heart.

Is it that way?

The mentality slowly followed.

"He is in danger!"

At this time, Chu Sisi returned to reality from the spectacle of flowers and flowers. Looking at Fang Fan standing in the arena, Chu Sisi's heart instantly followed the entanglement, and the sound of breathing could not help but change the way quickly and nervously. Beyond words.

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