The breath of the audience seemed to be held at this moment...



Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi each looked at each other, the panic on their faces was beyond words, and the whole person fell into a kind of infinite panic.

Duhu Naihe, panicked, thoughts churning...

Zuo Qiu Yao stood aside clutching his chest, his face was green, he wanted to intervene in a wave, but he was repelled as soon as he went up, which was too shocking.

At this time, there seems to be a crisis everywhere.

If these crises are not controlled, great risks can be brought about at any time.

It is really too late to regret when these risks are overwhelmed, and it will be too late.

Bai Piao's gaze swept forward, especially after seeing Fang Fan's actions to rescue Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, he immediately followed his lips.

"Don't worry, nothing happened..."

"This kid, the hero has saved the United States again!"


"Why is it that every time such a good opportunity is not my turn?"

"Really, it's unfair! It's unfair!"

"How can it be like this!"

"Fang Fan's luck is really good!"

"That Chu Sisi Club has grown really well, and has a lot of style! Tsk tusk tusk..."

"This kid's vision is as vicious as ever!"

Bai Piao sighed with deep emotion. If you look at yourself and compare it carefully, you can find that the gap between them is really not even a little bit, it's too difficult!

"Brother Bai Piao, how can you still say these cold words at this time!"

"Brother Fang Fan is already very dangerous now..."

"Don't you see that picture?"

"It's almost possible to suppress it directly."

"That demonized Xue Aotian is really strong!"

"This wave of momentum is overwhelmed, who can stabilize it!"

"Brother Bai Piao, don't you always say that your defense is invincible?"

"Hurry up and help! Help!"


Zuo Qiuyao roared anxiously, and while talking, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fang Fan came here to help out. If something happens, can he live it well in his heart?

There are naturally more thoughts in my heart.

Especially at this moment, we must be steady...

"Brother Zuoqiu, hey...Don't be nervous, don't get excited, if Fang Fan is really dangerous, can I remain indifferent?"

"This kid is much more sophisticated than us. Up to this time, this kid didn't even think about running away, and even rushed over. This shows that Fang Fan has the ability to control the audience and is confident of resisting this demonization. Xue Aotian!"

"If this is not the case, what energy does this kid have to save Chairman Chu Sisi of the Guangming Society?"

"Don't worry! This guy is about to show off soon!"

"I know him too much!"

"If he has nothing to do and can't fight it, he should choose to run away now, or disappear in an instant, you can't even see his figure."

"But if you don't do anything now, that means it's already clear to your chest!"

"The protagonist doesn't feel any tension at all. What are we people doing in a hurry?"

"Just wait and see the play..."

"Just wait and see Fang Fan continue to show!"

"Look if there are any innovative routines this time..."

Bai Piao had a deep resentment. While speaking, he glanced around the surrounding area. When he saw Chu Sisi, the president of the Guangming Society, he suddenly sighed silently.

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