Good guy...

The president of the Guangming Society, Chu Sisi, looked completely nervous and anxious, and the love and admiration in his eyes could no longer be expressed in words.

"Fang Fan, this kid has made a successful show again!"


"This kid still has a little routine!"

"It's totally a unique method. After so long, I only learned a little bit of it!"

"This kid is too ambitious!"

Bai Piao was talking, then nodded with deep conviction.

Needless to say other things for the time being, at this moment it seems to be extremely lamentable.

From a comprehensive perspective, this is indeed the case.

"Brother Bai Piao, isn't it like this?"

"What you said is too mysterious..."

"That demonized Xue Aotian is really strong. I was lifted off before I got close..."

Zuo Qiu Yao opened his mouth, and then sighed from the side.

From a comprehensive perspective, isn't that the case?

The situation seems so clear and calm!

"That's because you are too persuaded!"

"Wait and see..."

"After all, Fang Fan brat was able to kill even the dark camp saint powerhouse..."

"That's it?"

"It's not a problem at all!"

Bai Piao shrugged, then sighed from the side.

Zuo Qiuyao squirmed his lips, trying to complain about something, and couldn't say anything to vent.

Said I was too embarrassed...

Well, I can only recognize it...

"Does the husband really rushed up to soak up girls again?"

"This guy just doesn't change his life!"

"Bad guy!"

Xiao Liuli bit her red lips and hummed silently from the side.

The surrounding discussions continued...


In the arena, Fang Fan glanced at the Gu worms that were turning around, his eyes were very indifferent, there was no sense of panic, but he felt very calm.

In general, there is no panic...

When I glanced at the past, I even felt extremely dull.

"It's getting stronger..."

"Now I really have the seven-star sanctuary power..."

"Probably limited to the sacred realm of the early seven-star stage..."


Fang Fan curled his mouth while speaking, then nodded silently, the more and more refined light in his eyes, the more he looked at it, the more interesting it became.

Fang Fan naturally has his own trump card, otherwise it would not be so calm.

Only now, he still wants to see again...

"Fang Fan!"


"You really show your true feelings to that bitch!"


"Can't bear it at this time?"

"Hehe... **** is hypocritical!"

"Today, one of you will die!"

"Everything will be killed by me!"

"I didn't want to be like this in the first place, who asked you to persecute me?"

"I can't help it! I can only do it like this"!

"Otherwise...otherwise what can I do?"

"If you were defeated by me just now, if you didn't fight so fiercely, you would actually be able to save your life."

"But it doesn't work anymore, you exposed my biggest secret..."

"It's already like this anyway. I definitely can't get out of the Guangming Academy. I will definitely die, but before I die, I have to pull the back! I must pull the back!

"You all will die with me!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"This way, Huangquan Road is not lonely!"

"And you must die before me!"

Xue Aotian, who was covered in Gu worms, talked for a long time, then licked his lips and walked over...

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