It can be foreseen that there are shadows of Gu worms on his lips and tongue.

This visual impact appeared to be very powerful, glanced at the past, Fang Fan subconsciously followed and took a deep breath.

This looks really disgusting.

Can't you just follow it a little longer?

I really can't stand it anymore.

Fang Fan licked his lips, and didn't know what to say at this moment. Anyway, he felt a little numb on his scalp, that's all.

"Great Gu God! Give me the power!"

"Gu worm! Continue to divide! Continue to divide! Let me feel this majestic power!"


The roar followed, and the excitement on Fang Fan's face was beyond words!

Needless to say other things for the time being, this posture is vivid and vivid!

Attitude must also be followed comprehensively and clearly!

Based on the current combat power of Fang Fan, even if he has assembled the power of three six-star early-stage sanctuary **** pets, he can generally fight against the six-star middle-stage sanctuary battle force, too. If it is strong, the pressure will be too great.

And the Xue Aotian in front of him already possesses the combat power of the Seven-Star Early Stage Sanctuary Realm, and now this is not in Fang Fan's consideration.

"Blood Shura Legion!"


Fang Fan screamed, and then seven men in blood-colored robes appeared in the surrounding area.


Seven blood-robed men stood in the distance, talking, their eyes flashed with a different kind of spirit, this week's aura showed up, and the whole person trembled in an all-round way!

Needless to say other things for now, the thoughts are gathered here, and the changes in facial expressions are especially true!

Everything is in place!

The Blood Shura Legion has now been promoted to the Six-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm!

If it was only the combat power of the seven six-star peak sanctuary realm, it would naturally be difficult to directly obliterate the Xue Aotian of the seven-star early stage sanctuary realm.

But if you add some legion skills, it will definitely be fine...

"Shura is one!"

Luo Huo, the leader of the Blood Asura Legion, gave a cold sigh, and then the seven Asuras gathered together in an instant...

"One of Shura: The exclusive skill of the Blood Shura Legion, seven powerful blood Shura are combined into the Shura King under the leadership of Luo Hu! The combat power is increased by two levels! The duration is ten minutes, and the cooling time is twenty-four hours! No side effects. !"

When the [Sura Unity] skill was used, the seven Blood Shura of the Six-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm instantly possessed the battle power of the Eight-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm!

It is not two small realms that are promoted, but two big realms!

This is just the beginning...

"Sura Will!"

"Sura's Will: Enhance 100% defensive power for ten minutes!"

[Sura Will] After being displayed, the defense is doubled!

"Asura blood!"

Immediately afterwards, the third legion skills were displayed again!

"Asura bloodline: powerful bloodline power, enhancing 100% combat power, lasting ten minutes!"

[Sura Will] doubles defense power, while [Asura Bloodline] doubles combat power!

Fighting forces gathered here, giving people a sense of conscious repression invisibly.

There was a sense of panic invisible in my heart.

"How can it be……"

"How can I still feel scared..."

"What the **** is this..."

"The bells and whistles..."

"It's a blind eye! It must be a blind eye!"


"Really... almost... I was almost fooled!"

Xue Aotian grabbed a handful of Gu worms flying over his face, and his eyes rolled subconsciously.

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