The most important thing at this time is actually to convince yourself.

If you can't even convince yourself, let alone other things.

At this moment, all aspects of the situation are still very real.

Back and forth, that's just such a thing!

It's best to be able to speak clearly, but that's the way to speak clearly.

The sudden appearance of the seven Blood Asuras really brought a lot of shock to the surrounding people, especially the seven Blood Asuras can be brought together to become a super large version of the Blood Asura, which is even more amazing.


In the distance, Bai Piao rolled his eyes subconsciously.

"It's started again..."

"Fang Fan, this kid is getting more and more stubborn!"

"Now there are more and more ways to show, Fang Fan!"


"I can't keep up with the times! I used to show off by myself, but now I have started the show through the guards under my own hands."

"This scene...this scene is very exciting to watch!"

"Even the guard under his hand is so cool..."

"Too pretentious!"

"I told you a long time ago, don't be deceived by Fang Fan..."

"As long as it's something that this guy mixes up, he must be 100% sure, otherwise, with his steady temperament, it's absolutely impossible to do it!"

Bai Piao couldn't help but follow Sui Sui Nian, leaving nothing else to say for the time being, this feeling was clearly too real.

I still bring a little jealousy and envy...

Bai Piao has always wanted to learn Fang Fan's cool method, but he has never been in the room.

"Brother Fang Fan is really not an ordinary person..."

"There is such a tyrannical guard under his hand!"

"Brother Fang Fan is from which ancient family?"

"This tyrannical tactic is not something ordinary people can possess!"

"It's not ordinary, it's really extraordinary!"


"Is the boss's operation so tyrannical?"

"The strong are like a brother!"

Zuo Qiuyao took a deep breath, and while talking, his eyeballs moved in all directions. At this moment, while talking, his facial expression changed particularly real.

Zuo Qiuyao was not the kind of person who had no knowledge. At this moment, while thinking in his heart, he immediately licked his lips subconsciously.

"Ancient family?"

"Don't tell me..."

Bai Piao was taken aback for a moment, then rolled his eyes and said.

Fang Fan knows exactly what the situation is.

Since Fang Fan was not even a king, he has followed Fang Fan all the way, which can be regarded as witnessing Fang Fan's growth all the way.

To say that there is no feeling deep in my heart, it is indeed not realistic!

Time is not long, but the promotion is too fast.

All the way is in a fully open state.

"I dare not say anything else, but in terms of luck, this kid didn't lose to anyone..."

"Being able to get acquainted with someone who has good luck like Fang Fan boy shows that our luck is actually pretty good..."

"Especially those who met earlier like me, their luck is even more vast..."

Bai Piao's eyes rolled around, and while talking, he nodded and said with approval, anyway, it seemed like it really seemed to be the case.

There is quite a feeling that Wang Po is selling melons and boasting...

Can this be linked to luck?

Zuo Qiuyao opened his mouth, always feeling that something was wrong...

Speaking of Zuo Qiuyao's mouth is enough to say, but when it comes to Bai Piao, it seems that it is still a little short...

In other words, each has its own merits.

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