In the arena...

After the Shura unity, the Shura Legion has directly upgraded from the original six-star pinnacle sanctuary to two major levels!

At this moment, they already have the battle power of the Eight-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm!

Coupled with the bonuses of several other legions' skills, they have already taken off to a certain extent at the moment!

Slowly follow the improvement in combat power...


Luo Hu, the leader of the Blood Asura Legion, controlled the ultimate body after Asura was unified, and at this moment directly attacked the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian.


"It's all blindfold!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of this kind of blindfolding?"

"Impossible! No way!"

"Get out... get out!"

"Fuck off!"

"See how I kill you!"

"What I have is the power of a great Gu God, in the arena, I am invincible!"

"Billions of Gu worms give me strength!"

"War! War! War!"

An urgent roar followed, and the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian wanted to fight in all directions...

The fighting posture has been set at this moment, just waiting for the one-time pressure to pass...

At this moment, it gives people an infinite sense of horror!


Whoosh whoosh...

At this moment, around the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian, countless insect eggs were shaking violently...

Followed by the colorful Gu worms, they are wrapped tightly...

Following these Gu worms attached to him, his combat power was invisibly erupting in an all-round way!

"The combat power in the middle of the seven-star sanctuary..."

"Seven-star high-end sanctuary!"

"Seven-star peak sanctuary realm combat power!"

"Good fellow! Is this Xue Aotian crazy? He actually raised his combat power to the Seven-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm!"

"He borrowed the power of these Gu worms. With his cultivation base in the middle of the six-star sanctuary realm, I am afraid that these gu worms will be able to swallow them all in an instant!"

"Huh...who said no, it looks terrifying!"

"Mentality... burst!"

"As strong as this!"

" won't break anymore!"

"Even if a general instructor is present, I am afraid he can't control this Xue Aotian!"

"This demonized Xue Aotian stared at that Fang Fan, and that Fang Fan was in danger..."

"Come here, faster and faster..."

"My God... burst! A wave burst directly!"

"It's as strong as this..."


Waves of roars followed, followed by these things on the scene vividly!

"Sura Slash!"

The Blood Shura in the ultimate body state never showed any timidity. The huge Shura knife slashed directly, directly splitting the Gu worm defenses around Xue Aotian...

He put it on his neck, and then cut it directly...




The sound of flesh and blood thorns followed, and then bursts of bone explosions followed...

At this moment, Xue Aotian was cut in half directly...

Cut it diagonally from the position of the right shoulder, and then chop off most of its chest and head together.

As for the other half of the breast and lower body, it is also called another existence.

The blood-red intestines and frantic peristalsis were immediately displayed overwhelmingly in front of them...

Followed by those Gu worms frantically gnawing the surrounding flesh and blood, gnawing them completely...

Gradually, all resolved!

This kind of disgusting scene makes people feel vomiting inexplicably at the first glance, and the nausea is too much...

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