

"My body...my body..."

"Damn...damn it!"


"Do you dare to hurt me! Do you dare to hurt me!"

Xue Aotian, who was engulfed in Gu worms, knew the pain, and immediately let out a painful neigh...

After the neighing was in place, the empty eyes were gradually filled with blood, and also filled with the infinite resentment of Fang Fan.

Now this guy has completely focused on Fang Fan, and has already regarded Fang Fan as the first target to be targeted.

The sound of death is circling frantically, giving people a sense of infinite oppression in mind...

"Gu **** returns!"

"I never die!"

The horse-faced young man Xue Aotian muttered to himself, and then the extremely crazy expression appeared in his eyes. After he roared wildly, his complexion became more and more crazy!

At this moment, I want to completely swallow everything in front of me!

Only then can I feel the slightest sense of joy in my heart!

After the horse-faced youth screamed frantically, those gu worms immediately gathered in his mutilated lower body, followed by forming his legs by themselves, and then made up for the missing half of his chest. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Needless to say other things for the time being, this seems to give people a sense of mental oppression at the moment.

It doesn't seem to have any feelings...

The more I look at it, the more interesting it becomes.

Probably that's the case...

I have to say that this guy's vitality is really strong, and it is indeed not easy to maintain such a tenacious vitality to this day.

At least a glance at this moment, the brains are all buzzing...

After the feeling is in place, the mentality will follow the full boil!

The surrounding audience also yelled frantically. This scene is rare in a century!

Following the Blood Asura Ultimate Body, he continued to chop a few times, each time he was able to cut the horse-faced young man Xue Aotian in half, but it didn't take long before he could make up for his remains with those Gu worms.

Now this guy is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, insisting on it again and again with his tenacious vitality.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, now he wants to make a full complaint.

This is nothing special.

Does this look too weird?

It also looks a bit wrong!

It's not the same as before...

Strange and inexplicable!

The curiosity and shocking hearts of the surrounding audience also surged out, which seemed too strange.

Strange, no head...

"Good fellow, is it possible that Xue Aotian has gained immortality?"

"It can't be hacked at all, unless it can be crushed into powder in an instant."

"These Gu worms look so weird..."

"Take off... this wave just took off!"

"Something, it's amazing!"



Waves of screams followed, and there were more spitting sounds. Other words gathered in the new. At this moment, there was basically silence. What else can I say? I can only choose to endure it silently...

"Brother Fang Fan won't have any problems..."

"Why haven't the tutors arrived..."

"What the **** is going on..."

"Now only the mentors can control this kind of scene!"

Zuo Qiuyao was rushing around in a hurry, and the calmness he had had before disappeared without a trace. At this moment, there was only worry.

If there is something wrong with this, it will really be completely abolished...

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