"If you hack to death with a knife, all kinds of eggs will spawn in this Gu worm..."

"With some energy, these eggs can quickly grow into brand new Gu worms."

"Such succession will only make the scalp numb..."

"If this continues, it will be over..."

Fang Fan exhaled, thinking to himself, the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously, and the various thoughts in his heart could not help but increase...

"It must be completely resolved, once and for all..."

"Water? Drowning?"

"It doesn't seem to be realistic either..."


"What if it's a flame?"

Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and then a ray of red fireworks appeared at his fingertips. This was a flame transformed using spiritual power...


Whoosh whoosh...

When they feel there is flame here, although these Gu worms are unwilling to approach, obviously they have open flames.


Fang Fan gave a cold shout, and then a large amount of flame appeared in the palm of his hand, and immediately collided with those Gu worms...

Although these Gu worms were a little afraid of these flames, Fang Fan's use of the flames transformed by spiritual power could not cause any substantial damage to them.

Generally speaking, it is in a state of entanglement.

The expression on Fang Fan's face gradually changed...

This looks a bit interesting.

All of them are also extraordinary.


"it's useless!"

"My Gu worm is invincible!"

"This is a gift from the great Gu God to me!"

"It's impossible for you to deal with me! It's absolutely impossible!"

"No use! No use at all!"

"Get away! Get away quickly!"

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

"Cool! So cool!"

"Gu worm is invincible! Invincible!"

"Great Gu God, please give me strength! I am willing to sacrifice everything I have! Including my body and soul! I am willing to live forever and be enslaved by you!"

"I want strength!"

"I want revenge! Revenge!"

Xue Aotian screamed fiercely, and screamed at the same time, the excitement on his face was beyond words, and the whole person became crazy!

Needless to say other things for the time being, this mentality is very pure, and what it expresses is actually that.

Pure and true.

Everything gathered here!

Follow the full flight!

"The quality of the flame I released is indeed a little worse..."

"But it doesn't mean that I can't help you..."

"The three-headed dog of **** roars!"


The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose up, and he immediately summoned a favorite of his own!

The three-headed dog of **** in the sanctuary of the six-star early stage!


"the host!"

The three-headed dog of **** walked over, shaking his tail, and then rubbed Fang Fan's trousers.

"Release your samādhi fire..."

"Let's have a hearty burning!"

"Burn everything in front of you thoroughly!"

"Burn these gu worms to ashes!"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and while talking, he silently nodded, and the smile on his face grew more and more.

Interesting, really interesting.

It doesn't seem to have a will!

Let this all take off in an all-round way!

"What the hell!"

"Three dog heads?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Fang Fan, you have nothing to do, right?"

"So now I can only use this messy-looking thing to intimidate me?"

"go to hell!"

The vicious color on Xue Aotian's face grew more and more, and he immediately launched a full charge!

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