Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 2995: Burning hundreds of millions of Gu worms

Attitude is pure and extremely!

Feelings are also taking off in an all-round way!

It seems so drifting right now!

When Xue Aotian, who was covered with gu worms, rushed over, the three-headed dog of **** rushed out directly.




The three heads of the three-headed **** dogs roared, and immediately began to spit out red fireworks from their mouths...

The three fires gathered together, it is the true fire of samādhi!

When those gu worms touched the real fire of Samadhi, there were bursts of crackling noises.


Bang bang bang...

Just like some food is being fried, the explosion sound is quite rhythmic.

As the explosion sounded, there was a burst of meat scent from the surrounding area...

These gu worms have been roasted...

Immediately after the bodies of these Gu worms became charred, and finally began to turn into piles of fly ash...

Ashes scattered around, indicating that these gu worms have been completely wiped out!

The real fire of Samadhi was just an introduction, and then the flame ignited all around the surrounding area, and soon spread all over the body of Xue Aotian.

At this moment, the gu worms all over his body were being burnt to fly ash little by little.

"What the hell!"

"Get out! Get out of labor and management!"

"Gu worm obedient! Destroy! Destroy this flame for me!"

"Water... yes, water can extinguish fire! I have water!"

Xue Aotian trembled her lips, and then hurriedly followed and yelled from the side.

Immediately, Xue Aotian took out a water bag and madly poured Ganlie's clear spring water towards him...

Bottle after bottle, tirelessly.

But at this moment, instead of being extinguished, the flame on his body was intensified.

This looks very different...

A glance at the past, the whole person followed in a daze...

This...how to be good!

How could it become like this...

Why did it become like this...

As he watched, his body shrank completely, and the corners of his mouth twitched.



"It hurts! It hurts!"

"This **** flame!"

"Go out! Go out!"

"Get out! Get out of me!"

"Damn! Damn bastard!"

"Why do you want to do this! Why do you do this!"

"Get out!"

"Don't... don't do this!"

"Go away!"

The roar followed, and the face of Xue Ao Sky Hole shone with hideous pain.

He collapsed on the ground and started rolling frantically, but the real fire of Samadhi became more and more intense on him!

It is naturally not so easy to extinguish at this moment.

These Gu worms contain very pure energy. When these energies touch the samaya true fire, they provide the core driving force for the samaya true fire, and then the speed of the samaya true fire is fully accelerated...

The picture in front of him also suddenly gathered in an all-round way...

This Xue Aotian can be regarded as self-defeating...

How arrogant before, how much hesitating and painful now.

One can imagine how painful the feeling of being burned in the flames is. A little bit of perception will cause the whole person to curl up.

I couldn't stabilize my mentality, and suddenly it became extremely painful!

"help me!"

"help me!"

"I'm so painful!"

"I don't want to die!"

"It was all Gu God just now...Yes! Gu God is bewitching me, this is not what I want to do."

"It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Quickly... extinguish this flame! I feel uncomfortable!"

Bang bang bang...

Xue Aotian collided his head on the ground and made a loud noise to show the madness in his heart.

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