Fang Fan looked innocent...

This shouldn't be said to him...

To be honest, this doesn't involve him either.

From the perspective of the overall situation, is it a headache, okay?

"Vice Palace Master, I really didn't think about that..."

"It really has nothing to do with me..."

"I really don't have any thoughts about that President Chu Sisi..."

"Do you think too much..."

"Everyone has the heart of gossip, but you can also collect it appropriately!"

Fang Fan supported his forehead, and said solemnly.


"It's not what I thought, it's your kid who can do everything!"

"Although you didn't provoke it on your own initiative, you must be responsible!"

"'s just such a thing, it's such a situation!"

"If Sisi comes to you in the future, you must keep a safe distance and must not react to any temptation!"

Xue Wanren continued to complain seriously.

Fang Fan looked confused...

This is nothing...

This has something to do with him!

He has a headache, okay!

"If you can't react, that's definitely not a problem..."

"But I really have no responsibility..."

"You can't take this kind of thing wrong!"

"I always clean myself!"

"Never did anything more imperative!"

"I can't just succumb just because of the authority of the Vice-Palace Master!"

"Wealth cannot be lewd, mighty cannot be succumbed! This is a big man!"

Fang Fan's spine straightened in an instant, and while talking, the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more.

While talking this time, the smile on his face grew more and more.

What is expressed now is such a pure idea.

Once the feeling is in place, the other ones don't matter.

Just keep it steady.

"Your mistake is that this mouth is too eloquent!"

"Looks too heroic!"

"And your combat effectiveness is too strong..."

"If it weren't for these, how could there be so many and nothing!"

"Anyway, just remember it clearly!"


Xue Wanren exhaled, and then continued to groan several times.

It took so long to focus on the scorched Gu worms in front of him.

"The art of Gu worms, in our Guangming Academy, there is actually a study of this kind of witchcraft!"


"When you find an opportunity, you must remove them all!"

"It seems that Guangming Academy does contain a lot of things..."

"It's time for a thorough inspection!"

"The hand of the Dark Temple stretched too long! You know these conspiracies!"

Xue Wanren frowned, as he spoke, his facial expressions changed in an all-round way, and his thoughts also rose in an all-round way at this moment!

Needless to say for the rest, the posture shown at this time is probably like this.

Pure but true.

Certain things in the mentality must be followed and stabilized.

Fang Fan stood aside, but didn't say anything. He really didn't understand these things...

"These Gu worms are not clean at all to be eliminated normally... Ordinary flames have no effect on them..."

"What kind of flame did you release?"

"How do you feel... It feels a bit similar to Shenhuo..."

Xue Wanren babbled, and then focused on Fang Fan, his facial expressions were particularly chicken-thief...

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