Fang Fan shrank his neck subconsciously...

The Vice-Palace Master's eyes were a bit wrong.

Keep your gaze a little longer...

Isn't it bad for me to break my mentality?

"Vice Palace Master, you are wrong..."

"This has nothing to do with Shenhuo, at best it can only be regarded as a beast fire."

Fang Fan opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it.

In fact, in general, this is derived from the real fire of Samadhi in the three-headed dog of hell...

But as far as Fang Fan understands, there doesn't seem to be such a statement here.

"I read it wrong?"

"No...No, there is still a problem..."

"Whirring whirring……"

"There must be a lot of tricks..."

"This is the first time I have seen the power of this flame..."

"It's endless, it's terrifying..."

"It's definitely not an ordinary flame!"

"It should be a sacred fire!"

Xue Wanren nodded, and then there was a hint of heat in his eyes...

Fang Fan: "..."

Why don't you believe this?

Why are you still stuck in a stalemate?

In my heart, I feel that this thing is magical?

Ah this? That's it?

Can't you just stop it a little bit?

It’s okay to be a little more stable...

"Vice Palace Master, have you ever seen Shenhuo? I'm sure it is Shenhuo? What's the basis?"

Fang Fan exhaled, and then said to the side.

"It's because I haven't seen Shenhuo, so it is Shenhuo!"

"I haven't seen the sacred fire, nor have I seen this flame. Isn't it right to say that it is a sacred fire?"

Xue Wanren shrugged, then said solemnly.

Fang Fan: "..."

Good guy...

Because so, is this followed to be sure?

Does it seem sloppy...

Just as Fang Fan was secretly complaining in his heart, Xue Wanren directly jumped into the air...


Xue Wanren gave a secret cry, and then the demigod aura from Zhou's body erupted, followed by the frantic trembling of the spiritual power around his body, and immediately formed a beam of energy towards the arena and began to cut, and then the real fire of Samadhi The surrounding fields are all cut together.

Then he gathered it into his storage ring...

Fang Fan: "..."

What about this operation?

Needless to say other things for the time being, Fang Fan was absolutely convinced by this operation alone!

Perhaps this is the boss!

Niubi coaxes all dissatisfaction...

"Boy! I want to go back and study this sacred fire. I won't bother you today, and I will stop it later! Don't make trouble, even if it makes trouble, it will make a little trouble..."

"My heart is limited, not every time..."

"Also, go and see Concubine Xiang. If you dare to treat Concubine Xiang as bad, I will definitely not spare you!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, muttered a few times, and immediately followed suit.

Fang Fan exhaled a suffocating breath, and subconsciously glanced down and down around his body, his facial expression also changed a little.

This time, all the thoughts in my heart gathered in my heart, and I always felt that something was different.

At this moment, the friendly match belonging to the Tiandao Club and the Guangming Club is basically over.

Fang Fan shot, three wins and three wins...

"Brother Fang Fan, thank you very much!"

"Hey... this time I didn't expect to experience so many accidents. If it weren't for Brother Fang Fan, I couldn't control the situation at all..."

"Brother Fang Fan, I have all these affections in my heart!"

"Brother Fang Fan, I will treat you tonight, on the third floor of the cafeteria, eat whatever you want!"

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