Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3015: The beginning of destruction

Murong Yu looked into the distance, saw Ye Mei'er, saw Kailin, saw Yun Yun, and several women with sweet looks and beautiful features...

The eyes of these women were all focused on Fang Fan, and their eyes were full of affection.

As a woman, how can Murong Yu not understand what these eyes represent...

Murong Yu let out a breath, thought to himself in his heart, and then sighed deeply...

Some anxious sensations could not help but appear deep in my heart.

Thoughts gathered here, and the changes in facial expressions were particularly real.

Everything is the best.

"I know his temperament, he is definitely not the kind of person who escapes lightly..."

"Those women are affectionate to him, he will never abandon..."

"Even if you die on the spot..."

"If something happened to him, it would be meaningless for me to live in the world..."

"Just like this, it's good..."

"It would be great if I could walk this last part of the road with him..."

"Then make the final killing..."

Murong Yu murmured to himself, while talking on his mouth, the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more, and the facial expression changed especially real at this moment.

It is also a different kind of happiness to be able to fight to death with the person you like.

At least in Murong Yu's heart at this moment, there was no fear at all.

The atmosphere at the moment seems a bit solemn...

Even Bai Piao, who has always been silly, is not chirping anymore.

Bai Piao's eyes fixed on Fang Fan, his legs stood upright, and he was ready to rush to Fang Fan as a shield at any time...

There is no need to say more about it!



"The worm shakes the tree!"

"The mere ants, dare to shout in front of this seat!"

"No wonder I can be remembered by the **** of destruction..."

"Since we all want to die together, let's go together!"

"Kill all!"

"Black Jade Army!"


The black robe man Wuji narrowed his eyes, and immediately followed with an order!

While roaring, his eyes became sharper and sharper!

This expression has gradually become solemn!

This time the fighting power has gathered here, and it has already erupted in an all-round way!

It should come, it will always come!

Thousands of people in black in front of them rushed directly over, and the formation was like a cloud...

There is quite a feeling of black clouds pressing the city to destroy the city...

Fang Fan exhaled, his eyes twinkling...

Although his ten major legions have been promoted to the six-star peak sanctuary, the total number of people added together, but about a hundred people...

Although the top ten legions are not weak, the group of people in front of them are obviously extremely powerful!

These people in black who obey the God of Destruction's oracle obviously won't just let it go. What they want is to punish Fang Fan, so that they can return to the God of Destruction!

"The God of Destruction..."

"Is the true **** in control of the law of destruction?"

"Then destroy it from this moment!"

"First kill all these running dogs!"

Fang Fan clenched his fists, his eyes flashed sharply...

"Fang Fan..."

Murong Yu opened his mouth, his face was full of worry at the moment...

"I'll stop the leader in black, you...find a chance to escape..."

Murong Yu sighed softly, and immediately prepared to rush out without hesitation.

At this time, there must be no slack at all!

From the perspective of Murong Yu, I still hope that Fang Fan can live.

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