For this, she is willing to sacrifice herself.

"Boy Fang Fan, I don't have any other abilities, but I still have some ability to resist attacks..."

"It's okay to resist the attack of the opposite saint for several rounds..."

" can do it at that time!"

Bai Piao gritted his teeth, a heartless smile appeared on his face...

"Boss! You gave me this life, so let me follow you to the end!"

Zhou Kaitian patted his chest, and while talking, the color of arrogance on his face grew more and more.

There can be no slack at this moment!

Never felt panic and fear!

These thoughts and ideas do not exist!

"Dead fight... to the end..."

"it is good!"

"All good brothers!"

"They will be frozen for ten seconds later..."

"Take advantage of these ten seconds, go and kill as much as you want!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Fang Fan shouted in secret, his eyes became more and more determined!

What should come is always coming! Just let this all burst out!

The moment of burst is frightening!

"Now, we are all ready, but no action is allowed at this moment, and no rushing over now!"

"When I give the order, I will charge forward!"

"Listen to my orders!"

Fang Fan squirmed his lips while talking, and then whispered to himself, his breathing became rushing, and his facial expressions were unpredictable...

The surrounding people looked at each other, and they all looked a little stunned...

At this moment, he was completely stunned.

What does this... mean?

"Fang Fan..."

Murong Yu opened his mouth, actually trying to remind Fang Fan not to be whimsical...

She even felt that Fang Fan began to have hallucinations because of too much pressure...

Although she was willing to believe in Fang Fan's peculiar abilities, she let all these people freeze for ten seconds.

Is this... possible?

Murong Yu opened his mouth, and then subconsciously licked his lips...

Before Murong finished speaking, Bai Piao had already followed her eyes...

"Boy Fang Fan, you... do you have other ways?"

"Boy Fang Fan, you have a big move!"

" wonder it's been so calm all the time, it turned out to be prepared!"

"It's careless! This wave is really careless!"

"Boy Fang Fan, can't this wave be directly stabilized?"

"Then really don't panic at all!"

"Boy Fang Fan, I know you won't go to death blindly!"

Bai Piao nodded in agreement, and then said with a smile on his face.

If there are other means, then this decisive battle is not necessarily a deadly battle...


"It's near..."

"Close to us..."

Fang Fan exhaled a suffocating breath, and now looked at Xue Ling on the side, making her ready at any time.

The time that should come will always come. At this time, you definitely cannot choose to be indifferent easily...

"Don't rush out now, all choose to accumulate energy! There will be a chance for you to perform soon!"

Fang Fan lowered his voice, then shouted secretly.

Under Fang Fan's command, all the staff were silent, standing around silently, never slack in the slightest.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

In the distance, the head of the black-clothed man who rushed forward glanced forward with a boundless gaze, his face showing contempt...

He is not a fool, and he subconsciously feels that there is a conspiracy in it, but what impact does the ant's conspiracy have on the giant? It's just a waste of thought and continued tossing, and it only adds to the joke, that's it!

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